Stocking My 20G


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
South Bucks, UK
would this stocking be ok for a 20g tank? and are the species compatable with each other? Would you recommend getting more of any of the species so they're in a larger school?

4 zebra danios and 4 leopard danios (apparently they're pretty much the same species and will 'play' with each other?)
6 male guppies
5 peppered cories
4 amano or cherry shrimp

Im using sand as a substrate and i'm putting in 3 bits of driftwood. I'm hoping to attach some easy to care for plants to a couple of these, i.e. java fern and moss

I'm going to be using 2 filters (jup-01 and superfish 100), 1 which is already cycled and is being transferred from my 5g. Will these fish and plants be ok with the stonger current?

Also, has anyone got any tips for keeping these fish? I've had shrimp and guppies before but not in a community tank.

Thanks in advance :)
ditch the danios - they are highly active and would appreciate a longer tank.

everything else is fine.
Definitely choose another schooling midwater fish instead of Zebra/Leopard Danios, they do so much better in 4-foot or longer tanks and even in them, they can go against the current and reach the other end in a heartbeat!

Is your 30g a 3x1x1 foot tank?

If you really fancy Peppered Corydoras, choose tankmates that will do well in a heaterless tank that stays below 20C for most of the year, things like...
Paradise Fish
Red or Rainbow Shiners
Rosy Barbs (only reach ~7cm in aquaria, half their typical wild size)
Golden Dwarf Barbs
Green/Chinese Barbs
my tanks about 69cm long

Are peppered cories cold water then? is that all cories or just peppered?
Not necessarily cold water, they just like the tank at about 71 degrees or so. However, a lot of them have been domesticated enough to tolerate higher temperatures.

But, to answer your question, no, not all cories are cold water. Look into sterbai an julii cories, they both like it warmer. They're often used in discus tanks (which tend to be around 84-86F)

There are probably others, but I can't name them off the top of my head.
I'll have a look in my LFS's to see what other corys they have :)

can anyone suggest a good midwater schooling fish to have instead of danios? Preferably hardy and ok in slighty hard water
So instead of guppies and danios i'm thinking maybe 10 - 15 male endlers and possibly a few guppies (male)

Will these be ok with corys and shrimp? And possibly in the future a ADF?
So instead of guppies and danios i'm thinking maybe 10 - 15 male endlers and possibly a few guppies (male)

Will these be ok with corys and shrimp? And possibly in the future a ADF?

I'd get some oto catfish as well as the Cory's instead of getting a bristlenose pleco aas opposed to Cory's.

I have a bristlenose pleco in my 75 g tank and he poos enough to cover the sand bottom to the point where it never looks clean.

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