Fish Fanatic
Good Afternoon Fish Friends,
I have the age old question that i'm sure everyone has asked once before..
How do I stock my tank and what do I stock it with?
I currently have a 15.8 gal 2ft long tank with a small bunch of Java Ferns growing and soon to be a piece of driftwood added.
I am going through the cycling process (adding a biological agent tonight) and need some advice on which fish to add to the tank.
The only limitation I have is I need community fish that will not harm my African Dwarf Frog (ADF)
My local fish stores do not have anything fancy and have suggested the following for this tank.
- Zebra Danios
- Guppies
- Scissor Tails Rasbora
- Platys
- Mollys
- ADFs
- Cardinal Tetras
- Cherry Barb
So my question is, how do I pick?
Soo many say to stay away from the Danios, where some say to get them.
Ive been on the AqAdvisor site and they list hundreds of avail fish for my tank.
I know this can become quite a debate, but i'm just looking for the common fish that are found almost everywhere to get me started.
Thank you in advance for all your help
I have the age old question that i'm sure everyone has asked once before..
How do I stock my tank and what do I stock it with?
I currently have a 15.8 gal 2ft long tank with a small bunch of Java Ferns growing and soon to be a piece of driftwood added.
I am going through the cycling process (adding a biological agent tonight) and need some advice on which fish to add to the tank.
The only limitation I have is I need community fish that will not harm my African Dwarf Frog (ADF)
My local fish stores do not have anything fancy and have suggested the following for this tank.
- Zebra Danios
- Guppies
- Scissor Tails Rasbora
- Platys
- Mollys
- ADFs
- Cardinal Tetras
- Cherry Barb
So my question is, how do I pick?
Soo many say to stay away from the Danios, where some say to get them.
Ive been on the AqAdvisor site and they list hundreds of avail fish for my tank.
I know this can become quite a debate, but i'm just looking for the common fish that are found almost everywhere to get me started.
Thank you in advance for all your help