Stocking List For New 60g Setup! Woot Woot!


Fish Herder
Oct 13, 2012
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Picking up my new 60 Gallon (4ft) this weekend guys!!!
I plan to do a fishless cycle with mature media (sponge + ceramic rings), but I just wanted to get some input on my stocking ideas. Most of the room will be taken up by the fish I already have, they all have to move to the new tank, as Im breaking down my old tank. Here is what I have:

4 Tiger barbs
2 green barbs
1 pictus
1 angel
8 cories
1 sailfin pleco
1 rubberlip pleco

This is what I'm thinking:

A couple more barbs of each (tiger and green)
12 more cories
rehoming the sailfin (he's growing very fast and I don't want to put him in a huge tank, just to bring him to the LFS in a couple months, it's sad)
rehoming the rubberlip as he tends to bulldoze over my cories
1-2 BN plecs, albino maybe?
either adding another angel or maybe rehoming them, and trying 2 gouramis or rams or something. (never kept these kind of fish before but I really love the way they look and I find them very neat....)
4 polka dot loaches (ive been researching them for a while now, but never had the room in my 30G vertical) would they be a prob with my pictus though???

I realize that maybe not all of this is possible but these are all the ideas Im tossing around. What does everyone think?? Any input/advice is welcome and appreciated!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the tank will be planted with a play sand substrate.

2 Aquaclear 70 filters giving me 600gph (10x) turnover.
I can't put a single betta. I have all my fish already and they have to go in there. That's for the comment though
Ha ha, matts comment made me almost spit out my ovaltine!!!

I inherited 2x polka dot loaches and they are great fun! Sorry, can't really advise on the others, but Gouramis are my favourite! :D have fun in the fish store :)
Ha ha, matts comment made me almost spit out my ovaltine!!!

I inherited 2x polka dot loaches and they are great fun! Sorry, can't really advise on the others, but Gouramis are my favourite!
have fun in the fish store

I laughed too lol. Yeah, I really hope I can fit the polka dots in, Ive wanted them for quite some time now! was this the right forum to put my stocking list into or should i go to the new tank section? hmm...
New tank sec would prob be more noticed there.

Have you picked up your tank yet? Or tomorrow?
New tank sec would prob be more noticed there.

Have you picked up your tank yet? Or tomorrow?
Moved it to new tank sec. it worked :) I picked it up today
and it's huge and fabulous!! so excited. Tomorrow I wash sand and work out the landscape which will take probably all day

I'd put in another angelfish, I've heard they're sociable.
I plan to add another, I just lost my two lovely black angels a couple months ago and just haven't had the heart to even look at adding more, but i think it's time.

Starting a journal in the planted section too with lots of pics!! Thanks for the help/input!

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