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New Member
Jan 1, 2016
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I recently got an established tank from another fishkeeper in the area, which is 20 gallons and came with a bristlenose pleco, clown loach and rainbow shark.
There are also a few guppies in there that I got from a friend. I know the shark is really active, and he and the loach are pretty big, at around 4 inches.
I was wondering if the bioload is too much for the tank? I was considering selling the larger fish if they outgrow the tank but I don't want to unless there is no other choice.
pluto333 said:
I recently got an established tank from another fishkeeper in the area, which is 20 gallons and came with a bristlenose pleco, clown loach and rainbow shark.
There are also a few guppies in there that I got from a friend. I know the shark is really active, and he and the loach are pretty big, at around 4 inches.
I was wondering if the bioload is too much for the tank? I was considering selling the larger fish if they outgrow the tank but I don't want to unless there is no other choice.
Welcome to the forum...
I hate to be the one to tell you, but there is no choice.  If kept properly that clown loach should grow to nearly half the length of that tank.  The shark should be removed as well.
Please do this as soon as possible, because stunting begins before any signs are ever noticed, and once it starts it becomes permanent.
Regarding the BN, IMO a 20 gallon is too small.
When my Bn's had fry I sold all but 2, I put 1 in my 2 foot 18 gallon than and the other in a 6 foot 100 gallon tank, The BN in the 6 foot tank was twice the size of the one in the 2 foot yet they are the same age same food. In fact the one in the 2 footer had no competition for food while the 1 in the 6 footer did.
I think the one in the 2 foot tank was starting to be stunted. He is now in the 6 footer.
At 1 stage I had the parents in the 2 foot and they spawned, so I put them in the 6 footer and they virtually doubled in size almost over night so to speak.
Like I said just my opinion and observations.
It would be best, in my opinion, to find a larger aquarium for the species you have obtained. All will unfortunately outgrow your 20 gallon.
Not the guppies, but yes the rest would best in a larger tank.
Thank you, I'll try to give them away or sell them asap
Whoops my bad, yes the guppies are perfect for that aquarium. Thanks Eagles, I must have skimmed over that part.

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