Fish Fanatic
Okay, so my 55 gallon is finally cycled, and I'm looking for some new fish!
i went to the LFS today, got a few more cories and a BN pleco
I saw a few fish i like and I'm wondering if any of them are compatible. So, 55 gallon, 73 degrees ish (my heater is cruddy, I've got it set at 78 but I can't seem to get it as high as I'd like), 7.0/7.5 pH, moderately planted, and stocking: 1 angelfish, 6 cories, 1 bn pleco. Okay, so here are my ideas:
electric blue jack dempsey
nimbochromis venustus (giraffe cichlid)
columbian shark
upside down catfish
pictus catfish
dragon fish
starry night dubios
longfin serpea
gold gourami
pearl gourami
scissortail rasbora
Blue rams/ or bolivian rams
i would also like to have a medium sized school of rummynose in this tank, if possible. Any info about compatibility is appreciated! (obv i dont expect to keep every fish I listed in this tank lol, just possible ideas)

electric blue jack dempsey
nimbochromis venustus (giraffe cichlid)
columbian shark
upside down catfish
pictus catfish
dragon fish
starry night dubios
longfin serpea
gold gourami
pearl gourami
scissortail rasbora
Blue rams/ or bolivian rams
i would also like to have a medium sized school of rummynose in this tank, if possible. Any info about compatibility is appreciated! (obv i dont expect to keep every fish I listed in this tank lol, just possible ideas)