Hi Guys, I've recently upgraded my tank, gone form 160 - 850 litres Now that things have settled in I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I currently have:
12 Columbian Red fin tetras
8 Phantom tetras
4 Corys
1 Bristlenose pleco
2 Dwarf gouramis
1 Male red spotted golden Severum 9 months old
1 Female red spotted golden Severum 6 month old
They have all been in the new tank for 4 weeks now and are loving the extra space.
As the tank is so much larger than my previous tank I want to find larger fish that will co-exist with the two juvenile Severums. The tank has 150 litre sump so I'm think I can stock fairly heavily without any water quality issues.
Water is currently:
Ph 7
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
I'm not blessed with soft water and at the moment an RO filter is out of the question so the discus and alike are not really suitable.
Looking forward to some ideas, I'm open to anything
12 Columbian Red fin tetras
8 Phantom tetras
4 Corys
1 Bristlenose pleco
2 Dwarf gouramis
1 Male red spotted golden Severum 9 months old
1 Female red spotted golden Severum 6 month old
They have all been in the new tank for 4 weeks now and are loving the extra space.
As the tank is so much larger than my previous tank I want to find larger fish that will co-exist with the two juvenile Severums. The tank has 150 litre sump so I'm think I can stock fairly heavily without any water quality issues.
Water is currently:
Ph 7
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
I'm not blessed with soft water and at the moment an RO filter is out of the question so the discus and alike are not really suitable.
Looking forward to some ideas, I'm open to anything