1 dwarf gourami would be the max. They get very territorial and if you get two males (probable) they will be sparring, and that's not something you want.
I'd also go with either otos or a BN, they would be competing with each other for algae in the tank. And 10 otos is a lot. I'd probably limit it to 6.
Honestly, I'd take my time adding all these fish and just build it up slowly. These fish should be added over a period of like 3-6 months. 3 would be an aggressive stocking plan, and 6 months would be a more conservative plan.
First, I'd take all the water out of the current tank and put it into the new one. This will give your CPDs less stress with the move. The water chemistry will be identical. Also, I'd up the number and size of water changes for a week before you make the move. This will make the water in the tank as close as possible to the tap water, keeping acclimation stress to the new environment as small as possible. Btw, just take all the media from your current filter to add to the new one and you can move your CPDs over without a concern. Give it a few days to make sure that everything is going well - then add the extra CPDs. Let all that settle in for a week or so
Next, I think I'd add the glowlight tetras. Give it a month.
Then add the neons or the BN/otos (you'll probably have some algae by then, even if its minor). Give it another month, etc.
The only thing I have no experience with is the khuli loaches with a BN. I'm not sure how they get along.