Stocking Ideas For A 29 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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Well since i accidentaly deleted my last post i dont think this one will be as detailed. Im planning on stocking my 29 gallon tank ive had for about 2 and a half months now.
Fish i have now:
-1 Gold Gourami
-1 Rainbow Shark
-4 Glowlight Tetra
-1 Neon Tetra (the school died off)

What i plan on adding:
-6 Pygmy Cory Cats (Waiting on LFS to order them for me)
-5 Neon Tetra
-1 Glowlight Tetra (to complete the school)
-1 Bolivian Ram
-1 Angelfish (I'm thinking Koi colored or something different than my gouramis colors)

My tank is currently becoming a blackwater tank, ive added the extract about a week ago and can see the color change and i notice the fish are getting very energetic and are free schooling to explore the tank. Last time ive checked my pH was 7.4 (Should be lowering because of the blackwater extract and pH adjustment). Ammonie, nitrite, and nitrate are just about perfect. I have a large driftwood decoration with tons of hiding spots and i have a cave like log with live plants scattered all around it. Im thinking of getting some frogbit or another floating type plant. I have a live sand/gravel mixture. All my fish are healthy and are passive with eachother. I also have an EcoLight that replicates the sun to provide the nutrients for the fish and plants.

So what do you guys think? Should i add/remove something from the list. Maybe change it with another type of fish? Any suggestions are welcomed! If you got any questions ask me!
The things I would worry about in there would be
a) the rainbow shark - they tend to get more aggressive as they get older and adding quite a few other bottom fish might trigger the aggression.
b) An angel fish with neons - you'll read 100s of stories on here about neons with Angels - half will tell you it's 100% fine half will tell you the neons will definitely get eaten. One thing is for sure that the Angels will try to eat the neons of there small enough and I wouldn't take the risk.
c) An angel fish with a golden gourami - never kept them together but from what I've heard Angels and Gouramis will fight if kept together.

Also I would say the tank is over stocked - taking out the shark and either the gourami or Angel would leave you about right IMO (although stockin levels are so subjective some will say under stocked and others will say over)
I have to agree with either an angel or a gourami as your large centerpiece fish. I have them together no problem, but your tank is a bit small for both. I would keep an eye on the shark and rehome or return him to your lfs, if he gets aggressive. At the same time I would say add 2-3 Bolivian rams instead of one. They do better when they have company.
The things I would worry about in there would be
a) the rainbow shark - they tend to get more aggressive as they get older and adding quite a few other bottom fish might trigger the aggression.
b) An angel fish with neons - you'll read 100s of stories on here about neons with Angels - half will tell you it's 100% fine half will tell you the neons will definitely get eaten. One thing is for sure that the Angels will try to eat the neons of there small enough and I wouldn't take the risk.
c) An angel fish with a golden gourami - never kept them together but from what I've heard Angels and Gouramis will fight if kept together.

Also I would say the tank is over stocked - taking out the shark and either the gourami or Angel would leave you about right IMO (although stockin levels are so subjective some will say under stocked and others will say over).
The shark is the most passive fish i have so i dont think he will be aggressive when he gets older. As for the gourami, hes a bit aggressive but only if he doesnt see someone around the tank or if there is no food (i think he just wants to play but plays a little rough with the other fish). I think i wont get the angelfish at all. and i hear the pygmy cories swim mid water until they see food at the bottom so they should stay out of his way majority of the day.

I have to agree with either an angel or a gourami as your large centerpiece fish. I have them together no problem, but your tank is a bit small for both. I would keep an eye on the shark and rehome or return him to your lfs, if he gets aggressive. At the same time I would say add 2-3 Bolivian rams instead of one. They do better when they have company.
I dont want to risk losing my littler fish and maybe even my gourami so i wont get the angel. I think ill add another bolivian ram. Is there any way to sex them and are they agressive like bettas when male to male.

In the tank now:
-1 Gold Gourami
-1 Rainbow Shark
-4 Neon Tetra
-5 Glowlight Tetra
-4 Von Rio Flame Tetra

What i've ordered:

-5 Pygmy cory cats
-1 Bolivian Ram
how big is your rainbow shark? they usually aren't agressive until they are older, matbe at about 4 inches (maybe someone can give a better size?
how big is your rainbow shark? they usually aren't agressive until they are older, matbe at about 4 inches (maybe someone can give a better size?
I'd say 3-3.5, he(not sure on gender) likes to clean the plants and tank of algae and searches for some leftovers after the others eat. The only aggressive fish is the gourami and like i said hes only aggressive when hes not playing in the decorations or interacting with me.
Well since i accidentaly deleted my last post i dont think this one will be as detailed. Im planning on stocking my 29 gallon tank ive had for about 2 and a half months now.
Fish i have now:
-1 Gold Gourami
-1 Rainbow Shark
-4 Glowlight Tetra
-1 Neon Tetra (the school died off)

What i plan on adding:
-6 Pygmy Cory Cats (Waiting on LFS to order them for me)
-5 Neon Tetra
-1 Glowlight Tetra (to complete the school)
-1 Bolivian Ram
-1 Angelfish (I'm thinking Koi colored or something different than my gouramis colors)

My tank is currently becoming a blackwater tank, ive added the extract about a week ago and can see the color change and i notice the fish are getting very energetic and are free schooling to explore the tank. Last time ive checked my pH was 7.4 (Should be lowering because of the blackwater extract and pH adjustment). Ammonie, nitrite, and nitrate are just about perfect. I have a large driftwood decoration with tons of hiding spots and i have a cave like log with live plants scattered all around it. Im thinking of getting some frogbit or another floating type plant. I have a live sand/gravel mixture. All my fish are healthy and are passive with eachother. I also have an EcoLight that replicates the sun to provide the nutrients for the fish and plants.

So what do you guys think? Should i add/remove something from the list. Maybe change it with another type of fish? Any suggestions are welcomed! If you got any questions ask me!

What does the above highlighted statement mean?
My tank is currently becoming a blackwater tank,

What does the above highlighted statement mean?

Blackwater refers to the darkening of water from a build-up of tannins. Tannins naturally leach from wood, leaves, and other organic matter in rivers and streams in South America.

It can be done by adding driftwood, leaves, or peat moss. Personally, I'm not a fan of adding extracts, but I'll be adding some peat moss to the filter of my new tank soon.
Although possible to sex Bolivian rams, it is very difficult unless they are spawning. Two males will get along fine, as long as there are decorations for them to get out of each others way, on the rare occasion one gets aggressive.
My tank is currently becoming a blackwater tank,

What does the above highlighted statement mean?

Blackwater refers to the darkening of water from a build-up of tannins. Tannins naturally leach from wood, leaves, and other organic matter in rivers and streams in South America.

It can be done by adding driftwood, leaves, or peat moss. Personally, I'm not a fan of adding extracts, but I'll be adding some peat moss to the filter of my new tank soon.

Thank you
. I am currently using coloured stones in my tank but I find they look very tacky. Any advice on which base looks the best and is easy to maintain? I want my tank to look as much like a river bed as possible.

Any help appreciated.
Darker is usually better... For a true river bed look, you could add oak leaves to the water, as many of the streams have "leaf litter" on the bottom... Also adding long branches of trees is another option. Be careful which type of wood you add though, as some works well, but others don't work at all.
Thank you
. I am currently using coloured stones in my tank but I find they look very tacky. Any advice on which base looks the best and is easy to maintain? I want my tank to look as much like a river bed as possible.

Any help appreciated.
sand would be good
My tank is currently becoming a blackwater tank,

What does the above highlighted statement mean?

Blackwater refers to the darkening of water from a build-up of tannins. Tannins naturally leach from wood, leaves, and other organic matter in rivers and streams in South America.

It can be done by adding driftwood, leaves, or peat moss. Personally, I'm not a fan of adding extracts, but I'll be adding some peat moss to the filter of my new tank soon.

Thank you
. I am currently using coloured stones in my tank but I find they look very tacky. Any advice on which base looks the best and is easy to maintain? I want my tank to look as much like a river bed as possible.

Any help appreciated.
Stack some 4 inch round smooth stone and make it come from an angle to the center of the tank and put either a dark brown, sand, or blackish color of sand. Chuck in like a handful of small pebbles (smaller than pinky finger nail) and scatter them out. Put some ruffled swords, maybe an anubais, and java fern around the smooth stone. BUT back onto what i was asking, you guys think i should order another Bolivian Ram or would it be overstocked? Or should i wait and see if i like their attitude?

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