Stocking Help


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2012
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I am restarting my Juwel Rio 180 litre, and am trying to be very open-minded, so I welcome all suggestions. My husband and I have decided we definitely want to go the cichlid route, but we're not sure whether we should go for Old World or New. I'll be posting something in both sections, in the hopes of someone persuading me to go one way or the other. The only thing I know is that whichever fish I get, I want to attempt to make the tank as natural for them as possible. I don't mind working hard on water chemistry. I'm about to graduate with a biomedical sciences degree and I have the feeling I will be missing all of the labs. :lol:
If you went old world, you could get more color and more numbers in the tank. But if you wanted to go with some new worlds and some schooling fish you could go that route.
Thanks, my husband is leaning towards Old World and I thought I was, but I love the idea of having greenery in the tank again. I think the planting was one of my favourite parts, even if I wasn't great at it. The only cichlids I have had were Nannacara anomala. I loved them. They had great personalities and were very pretty, but they were tiny. Could someone give me a few suggestions of other types that are a bit bigger, but still suitable for my tank? It is approximately 39 x 16 x 19 inches.
I'm definitely a new world aficionado, so here goes my suggestion:
6 Bolivian rams (3 pairs)
12 rummynose tetras
12 marble hatchetfish
1 bristlenose
Thanks, my husband is leaning towards Old World and I thought I was, but I love the idea of having greenery in the tank again. I think the planting was one of my favourite parts, even if I wasn't great at it. The only cichlids I have had were Nannacara anomala. I loved them. They had great personalities and were very pretty, but they were tiny. Could someone give me a few suggestions of other types that are a bit bigger, but still suitable for my tank? It is approximately 39 x 16 x 19 inches.

Ok, something bigger...

How about this:
2 firemouth chiclids
1 bristlenose
10 peppered corys
Oh, wow! I got sick shortly after posting here all of these months ago and forgot what I had already asked. I really like these ideas, thank you so much. I know this thread is old now, but I am only just starting to set up my tank finally because of the illness I had, and I'm happy to see these replies. One quick questions. Will the two stocking suggestions here allow for plants? I know cichlids like to be with plants, but I know most like to eat them too. I have no experience with Bolivian rams or firemouth cichlids. Will they destroy a planted tank?

I just had a look at the firemouths, and they look fantastic, but am I right in guessing they would not go with emperor tetras? I have one, and feel obligated to keep him and get him some friends, so that is one type of fish I definitely have to have. I assume the rams would probably be okay with them. (?)

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