Stocking For A 17G?


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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Hiya again,
I was just going to get a betta but the boyfriend decided that it was too boring and wants something else.
We currently have a single platy, little miss Pine Fresh, who is the lone survivor of her harem and I'd prefer to stock around her rather than moving her since she seems quite settled. I'm looking at getting some more platy but I'd also like something else in there for some variety.
Due to the type of substrate I used, I can't get bottom dwellers that'll dig so cories are out. I also have hard water.
How about some mollys :) or maybe some guppys.
Or some Sword tails.
Really love plays though. I'd just get a few of those. :)
There are a bunch of variatus platies and different variations, you could do a assorted platy tank. :)
Mollies and swords get big, so maybe a few guppies?
I agree that there is not sufficient space for mollies or swordtails to be healthy.  Given you have a platy, another two is probably about the best option.  Guppies or Endlers are possible, but they might be a bit too rambunctious for your platy if she is aging.
One caution though.  The existing platy is presumably female, so do not get any males as they will hound her terribly.  But two more female platy would be fine.
I was thinking about adding a couple more platy, the only thing is I can't guarantee genders since they get stocked together and the LFS doesn't let you pick 

I was thinking about getting guppies but my boyfriend is iffy on them and the little lady is at least middle aged so they might be too rambunctious for her 

Why is this so hard? 
Well, I would find another store.  I can understand why they might not want you selecting male/female, as most people would select only males (I'll explain), but in the end that is not responsible retailing/fish keeping as there is a legitimate reason.
With any livebearers, it is best to have only males unless you intend breeding them and have the space or confirmed ways of dealing with the dozens of fry.  Regular (monthly on average) batches of fry that can number in the 20-40 depending upon species and condition causes issues as they have to be removed from the tank within a very few weeks.  So if you get guppies, keep this in mind.  As I say, another store would be advisable.

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