I have an overfiltered moderately planted fully cycled 10 gallon tank. I stocked it with 5 of the 10 harlequin rasbora that were in my. 35 gallon hex and had had them in the tank for the last month or so. They seemed to not be swimming around that much. Also in the tank I had 2 surviving julii cory (orignally had 4 but never had luck keeping them. They were not swimming around much. I decided to put the harlequins back into the 35 gallon tall hex to join the other 5 harleys in the 35 gallon tank. They seem much happier and swim about the tank a lot more than in the 10 gallon.
I also removed the 2 corys and put them in my 29 gallon tank which has 1 nanus cory and a Bolivain ram as bottom swimmers along with several other tank mates that include 6 tiger barbs, 1 bn pleco, 2 surviving rummynose, and 2 surviving neon tetra. All fish get along fine.
For a second attempt at stocking the now empty 10 gallon, I bought 5 juvenile serpae red minor tetra and moved the adult three serpae tetra that were in my 35 gallon hex into the 10 gallon tank. So I now have 8 serpae tetra in the 10 gallon tank. Would you say I'm fully stocked or would you add a second specie to the tank? The 8 serpae are doing well in the tank so far.
I do 50% water changes weekly and rinse out the filters about every two weeks.
I also removed the 2 corys and put them in my 29 gallon tank which has 1 nanus cory and a Bolivain ram as bottom swimmers along with several other tank mates that include 6 tiger barbs, 1 bn pleco, 2 surviving rummynose, and 2 surviving neon tetra. All fish get along fine.
For a second attempt at stocking the now empty 10 gallon, I bought 5 juvenile serpae red minor tetra and moved the adult three serpae tetra that were in my 35 gallon hex into the 10 gallon tank. So I now have 8 serpae tetra in the 10 gallon tank. Would you say I'm fully stocked or would you add a second specie to the tank? The 8 serpae are doing well in the tank so far.
I do 50% water changes weekly and rinse out the filters about every two weeks.