I've seen this really cool thing called the Aquafarm, and I'm almost sure I am getting it for Christmas. heres a link: https/www.youtube.com/watch?v=PskE16URt9E#t=0 (sorry if it does not work)
it looks really cool. I've noticed that it seems ideal for bettas, but I was wondering if I could put some other stuff in there, since I already have 2 bettas. I was thinking of shrimp, african dwarf frogs, and snails. the aquafarm is 3 gallons, so I know that any other fish wouldnt be so happy in there. so If i got shrimps, what kind should I get? can they go with the frogs? I thought It would be kinda cool to have like 2 ghost shrimp, 2 dwarf frogs, and a snail. would this work?
it looks really cool. I've noticed that it seems ideal for bettas, but I was wondering if I could put some other stuff in there, since I already have 2 bettas. I was thinking of shrimp, african dwarf frogs, and snails. the aquafarm is 3 gallons, so I know that any other fish wouldnt be so happy in there. so If i got shrimps, what kind should I get? can they go with the frogs? I thought It would be kinda cool to have like 2 ghost shrimp, 2 dwarf frogs, and a snail. would this work?