Hi, I'm new to tropical fish keeping. I kept fish without a heater for a long time and just this month I bought a 250 litre fish tank with a heater.
Well the stocking idea I had was a school of neon tetras, a school of black skirt tetras, a rainbow shark, a school of otto cats and about 10 guppies or so. I also saw some bolivian rams I like the look of, are all these fish compatable?
Also, what would you add or get rid of if you were me? And last of all, what numbers would you recommend for the tetras and ottos?
Thanks in advance
Well the stocking idea I had was a school of neon tetras, a school of black skirt tetras, a rainbow shark, a school of otto cats and about 10 guppies or so. I also saw some bolivian rams I like the look of, are all these fish compatable?
Also, what would you add or get rid of if you were me? And last of all, what numbers would you recommend for the tetras and ottos?
Thanks in advance