Stocking A 70L


Fish Crazy
Jul 16, 2011
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Hey everyone,
I need some stocking ideas for my 70L tank.
I would prefer bright coloured fish, maybe a school of small fish and then a slightly larger feature fish or something?
Any ideas?
Thank you
What about...
A biggish school of Dwarf Corys (Pygmys or Habrosus would be the best IMO)
A biggish school of Neon Tetras.
A Honey or Dwarf Gourami as a centre piece fish 
I like the idea of a Honey Gourami as the centre piece fish a lot.
As for the Neon Tetras and Dwarf Corys, how many of each would you recommend? 
Not sure if it would be overstocked or not, but maybe like 8 Neons and 10 Pygmys? 
You could always have just one school of fish and your centrepiece, you would get more natural behaviours of the schooling fish because they would be in a bigger school, like in the wild. :)
What about 6-8 Neons and 6 Dwarf Corys, plus a Honey Gourami - to avoid overstocking? 
Agree with Blondieloves fish
I'd go 5-7 habrosus corys, 6 neons and a dwarf gourami
I would also suggest the Salt & Pepper Cory (c. habrosus) as the Pygmy tends to be more of a mid-water swimmer, whereas most cories are bottom swimmers.
How about Celestial Pearl Danios for the shoaling species?

(Piccy from
These are somewhat smaller than the Neon Tetra, so you could have a larger shoal, say 8 or 9.
the_lock_man said:
I would also suggest the Salt & Pepper Cory (c. habrosus) as the Pygmy tends to be more of a mid-water swimmer, whereas most cories are bottom swimmers.
How about Celestial Pearl Danios for the shoaling species?

(Piccy from
These are somewhat smaller than the Neon Tetra, so you could have a larger shoal, say 8 or 9.
Nice fish, but I have had Danios for the past 6 years, so I do like the idea of Neon Tetras for a change :)
Corys in my area are expensive, which I'm bummed about.

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