stocking a 55g


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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Hi, I'm in the process of cycling my 55g and have just got a pretty good idea of what im going to put in it from a previous post, i just want to have some guys check it over and make sure it seems ok.

6 khuli loaches
7 zebra danios
9 cardinal tetras
3 guppies
1 bristlenose catfish

I'm not sure if i have any more room left to add anything, but if i do i would be looking for something over 4" (since none of mine will be getting any larger than that really except maybe the khulis but they're skinny :blink: ) and something that is colorful. I'm using an emperor 400 so I've got some extra filtration.
Heres my suggestion:

6 kuhlie loaches
10 zebra danios
15 cardinal tetras
dwarf gourami pair or 3 betta females or betta male (but not if you get guppys)

I would leave guppys to the store because they do better in different water than the others. Of course this depends on your water parameters ;)

Thought with my suggestions fishes your aquarium would be quite full. So maybe it would be better just take ~10 cardinals and ~8 danios and see how much they burden the tank before taking more.

yeah i actually forgut to add them to the list i was going to get a pair of neon blue dwarf gourami

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