Stocking a 33 Gal tank


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Eureka, CA
I just caught the aquarium bug and now I have a 33 gallon tank. It's approx. 1x1x4 ft, so it's a long guy. I am currently cycling it with 4 danios and 1 white cloud. The LFS said I could get away with adding about 5 more fish. Any recommendations on what type of fish I should add to help cycle the tank? I may pick up another danio and I've also been looking at albino tiger barbs, some sort of loach, catfish.

The tank is currently pretty bare since I got it about a week ago but soon I will put in some bogwood and there's already several plants in there.

After tank has cycled, what fish would you guys recommend adding to the tank? The danios will end up living in this tank so I don't want to end up with fish that the danios will harrass.
I don't know a whole lot of about Danios and what is and isn't compatible with 'em. However, I think they need to be kept in groups of *at least* five, otherwise they can be aggressive towards other fish. If I remember correctly, White Clouds are also schooling fish, so your lone one would probably like a few more buddies.

I'd suggest some bottom feeders - loaches (I love my Kuhlis!) or Corys, perhaps.

I'd think you could have about half a dozen Danios, half a dozen White Clouds, four or so Corys, and perhaps a few Otos. I'm not sure about the Tiger Barbs - I know next to nothing about Barbs, except that they can be nippy, so I don't know if they'd get along with the Danios and White Clouds.

FYI, I have a planted 29-gallon tank that houses ten Neon Tetras, six Kuhli Loaches, a Siamese Algae Eater (who will probably have to be re-homed at some point), two Otos, the plainest colored Guppy I've ever seen (snuck in the bag with the Neons), and two Blue Rams. I had some Corys in there, but they all died off - still not sure why. Perhaps the tank was too crowded for them, I dunno.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge about Danios, White Clouds, and Barbs will come along and be able to help you out more.

Enjoy those fishies!

An easy-to-grow, fast-growing plant is Hygrophilia polysperma. I started with one little bunch of plants in my tank less than a year ago, and it's grown so that I have more than enough to plant my entire tank and then some (I've trimmed 'em up and sold some of 'em back to the fish store). Corkscrew vals grow quickly and seem to be pretty hardy, as well.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Well, I added 6 Tiger Barbs to my tank last week and everyone seems to be living peacefully. The barbs love to peck through the rocks looking for something.

I added in a couple pieces of bogwood and some plants so it isn't quite as bare as it originally was. The tank is still cycling so I don't think I'll be adding anything new for quite a while.

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