Stocking A 29 Gallon Tank


New Member
Mar 7, 2014
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the tank is 30 inches long. i have a whisper duel 60 filter in it, a 150 watt heater. also the tank is somewhat planted. I have 4 tiger barbs in the tank as we speak i am wondering what are some fish that would fit nice with these barbs and could i add some sort of south america cichlid I'm open for ideas please help me thank you
For a start you would need more tiger barbs. They are very nippy little things, but usually they just squabble amongst themselves when in larger groups, minimum 8 but 10-12 would be better.
Ya i know that i was going to up them to like 8 or 10 but what else should i put in there
The tank is a bit small for any SA Cichlids, once you've got the tiger barbs in. In any case, you need something that can compete for food with the tigers anway.
I would suggest a group of 6 Sterbai Cory, have the tank at about 26C, and make sure you feed a sinking food as well as a flake.
That would just about max you out.
would i be able to add like a fire mouth or one of the smaller cichlids 

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