Stocking A 29 Gallon Tank


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Mar 13, 2011
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Hi everyone! I'm currently in the middle of cycling my new 29 gallon tank (fishless) and I'm already contemplating what is going to go in there once it's cycled. Other than my having a Betta, I've been out of the hobby for over 15 years. So I'm open to any suggestions on stocking once things are finished cycling. The tank has a brown gravel bottom with some very nice silk (1 plastic) plants a decent piece of mopani wood and 1 piece of lace rock. The mopani is now tinting the water of course which I don't mind. I've always kind of liked that. I prefer smaller fish (3-4 inches tops, but usually like something smaller). I thought about getting some corys -- never had them, but they are so cute, but now that I've read about them preferring sand I'm hesitant. The gravel is smaller than most (Petco gravel) and doesn't seem too sharp but I just watched a video of corys in sand and now think that gravel isn't a good mix. Why do aquarium shops (even LFS) push gravel so much? Years ago I was told sand was too problematic etc, but more and more people use it. There is no way I'm redoing the entire tank so I'm sticking with gravel.

I've always been partial to zebra danios but I honestly don't know what to get when the time comes. It's been so long and the hobby has come so far in recent years. I don't want to over stock but would be nice to have a few different species in the tank. I also considered Rams but I've never had them and am very confused about "German blue" vs. Bolivian etc. Since this will probably be the largest tank I'll have for some time to come (both for price and SPACE issues) I want to make some good choices.

Any suggestions -- even some non-typical ones -- would be great and give me something to think about.
Here's a quick and semi-blurry pic to give an idea what the tank looks like!


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Nice looking tank. Most would recommend a 4' tank for zebra danios. My suggestion would be a pair of bolivian rams, half a dozen bronze corys, 8 marble hatchetfish and 10 neons or cardinals, or 8-12 celestial pearl danios.
I hope this gives you some ideas.
Nice looking tank. Most would recommend a 4' tank for zebra danios. My suggestion would be a pair of bolivian rams, half a dozen bronze corys, 8 marble hatchetfish and 10 neons or cardinals, or 8-12 celestial pearl danios.
I hope this gives you some ideas.

Oh wow, thanks for the recommendations. I am a bit disappointed that zebra danios need that much space (a 29 gallon is 30-31 inches long) but I guess I'm not that surprised since they are so active. Those celestial pearl danios are something though. I just read a brief article about them and they do look amazing. Do you know of the CPDs shoal or not? Obviously being out of the hobby for so long this is the first time I've heard of them. Looks like a very interesting species which I'll have to look into more.

I would still love to get some corys -- are bronze corys a bit more adaptable to gravel bottoms?

Thanks for the recommendations -- gives me a lot to think and about and read up on. Any other suggestions from others would also be greatly appreciated!
Here's my plan for my 29 gallon. Feel free to use it if you'd like. I'd change my list though if I could get Corys :drool: . My gravel is the same as yours just a different color. my filter does 350 gph though too so I can stock a kittle heavier than I should......

3 Molly
2 platy
2 bolivian rams
6-10 tetras/harlequins
2 pitbull plecs
2 cherry barbs
3 pearl gouramis if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.
Here's my plan for my 29 gallon. Feel free to use it if you'd like. I'd change my list though if I could get Corys :drool: . My gravel is the same as yours just a different color. my filter does 350 gph though too so I can stock a kittle heavier than I should......

3 Molly
2 platy
2 bolivian rams
6-10 tetras/harlequins
2 pitbull plecs
2 cherry barbs
3 pearl gouramis if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.

Interesting list. The first fish I ever had were 2 black mollies and I considered them but not sure I want to deal with babies etc. I'm sure I could do all females but.....

I'm definitely leaning towards 2 bolivian rams because everyone recommends them and they seem so personable. But the more I read the more confused I am. It seems that some websites list the scientific name for the bolivian ram as identical to the "german blue ram" while others don't. :crazy: I think rams would be lots of fun though.

I also have been doing some more reading on corys and a lot of people feel the "no gravel" rule is a myth, because in the wild Corys are found in gravel bottom streams all the time. One article even pointed out that Corys could not have evolved if they were that sensitive to damage etc. Kind of makes sense. The petco gravel that I have is pretty small and doesn't seem all that sharp so I'm not totally ruling out Corys for the time being. Of course I have time since my tank isn't cycled yet. (Now in the nitrite stage but cycling pretty fast.) Pitbull plecos....never heard of them and will do some reading! :D Thanks for the recommendation and the ideas.
From my experience, yes the cpd are schoolers. The bolivians and gbr's are two different species. The bolivians are Mikrogeophagus altispinosa, the gbr's are Mikrogeophagus ramerzi. Spelling might be off on those.
From my experience, yes the cpd are schoolers. The bolivians and gbr's are two different species. The bolivians are Mikrogeophagus altispinosa, the gbr's are Mikrogeophagus ramerzi. Spelling might be off on those.

Yup, now that I look up the scientific names I see the different. The bolivian rams look very nice though...I'm leaning heavily towards them at the moment -- assuming they're not $40 a piece! :D

And I really do like the looks of the CPDs but will continue to do some reading and window shopping especially for tetras or rasboras of some sort.
This is what i would get for a 29 gallon tank

2 bulivion rams because germans require high temps and there fradgle
2 honey gouramis
3 otos after the tank has been running for at least 3 months
6 zebra danios
10 neon tetras
6 kulie loaches but the kulies perfer sand not gravel because it messes up there wiskers and they like to dive in the sand

Just and idea
Petsmart just started selling them for $5-$7 each if your in the us. The bolivians I mean.
Petsmart just started selling them for $5-$7 each if your in the us. The bolivians I mean.

Thanks! Next time I'm there I'll check them out -- plus will check out my LFS. My 29 gallon tank is at more than half way through cycling now) nitrates are showing up) so I'll have to crack down and read up on what sort of fish I want. Definitely leaning towards bolivian rams though, still unsure about the others! :)
Well, my tank is now cycled (been cycled for about 4 days now and yes, I've been feeding the tank) so today is the day I'm going to buy fish. I still haven't decided what I'm going to get yet but I've taken lots of notes and a list with me to take into the store! Not sure what I'm going to start with but today will be a fun day!!!! :)
Wow I guess bol rams are pretty popular for a 29 gallon. I have two in mine. Come to think of it i probably got the idea asking the same question on this forum! I also have harlequin rasboras, they are very nice and active.

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