Stocking 80 Gallon

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Apr 11, 2012
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i got an 80 gallon freshwater aquarium, i currently have 4 angels, 2 large about the size of a tennis ball and two the size of a golf ball. I also have 11 glowlight tetras and two plattys. I want to add about 30 cardinal tetras, is that to much fish? Can any one help? please!!
We need a couple more answers to help you out here...

How old is the tank?
Did you 'cycle' it at all?
What filter do you use?
What is your water changing and general tank maintenance regime?

i got an 80 gallon freshwater aquarium, i currently have 4 angels, 2 large about the size of a tennis ball and two the size of a golf ball. I also have 11 glowlight tetras and two plattys. I want to add about 30 cardinal tetras, is that to much fish? Can any one help? please!!
The tank has been set up for 7 months. It's cycled. I use a canister filter rated for a 100gal tank. I do a 25 to 30% water change every 3 to 4 weeks.

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