Stocking 75 Gallon Suggestions


Mostly New Member
Sep 23, 2015
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So I am considering replacing my 55 with a 75.  My stand I put together is for up to a 75, and I figure why not sell my 55 I got for cheap on craigslist for a 75?
I want to stock it with a handful of medium fish, 4-8".
Currently, I plan to keep the full grown blue gourami and my red tail shark.
What would be compatible with these?
Could I put a blood parrot cichlid as well as some other similar sized cichlids?

Any suggestions are welcome, I'm interested in what you think would work!
Gourami are a peaceful fish and won't fight back if bullied.  I'm not certain as I've never kept Cichlids, but I think most would be too boisterous for a Gourami to tolerate.
Have you considered Rainbow fish?
Far_King said:
Gourami are a peaceful fish and won't fight back if bullied.  I'm not certain as I've never kept Cichlids, but I think most would be too boisterous for a Gourami to tolerate.
Have you considered Rainbow fish?
I haven't done much research on rainbowfish.  They seem to be mostly schooling and not personable enough for me.  What has me interested in the medium-ish sized cichlids is their character.  What experience do you have with rainbowfish?
I have Boesmani Rainbows and Dwarf Neon Rainbows.
All very peaceful and would be fine with a Gourami.  Something like a Red Rainbow would get up to about six inches could be the sort of thing you'd like?
Look into them and visit your LFS to see what they have.  Like you, I'd not really considered them before but I think they're among some of the most vibrant fish to keep.
Imo Gourami are territorial fish. And chiclids; are also. Adding these two kind to one tank would cause some fighting and perhaps even a loss.

I would personally look into danios and get a nice group of them. Or some of the larger tetras.
Asteria said:
Imo Gourami are territorial fish. And chiclids; are also. Adding these two kind to one tank would cause some fighting and perhaps even a loss.

I would personally look into danios and get a nice group of them. Or some of the larger tetras.
My gourami, red tail shark, and bolivian ram all live together in harmony.  The gourami is pretty chill lol. I already have tetras and danios and are somewhat bored.
ester said:
Imo Gourami are territorial fish. And chiclids; are also. Adding these two kind to one tank would cause some fighting and perhaps even a loss.

I would personally look into danios and get a nice group of them. Or some of the larger tetras.
My gourami, red tail shark, and bolivian ram all live together in harmony.  The gourami is pretty chill lol. I already have tetras and danios and are somewhat bored.

Yeah they are chilled fish. But if you started to put in another fish that will also want territory. You may find some fighting. That was all.

You could look into killifish. I had a pair with my gourami. Both lived happily as they gourami wanted the top area and the killifish live along the bottom mostly.
In a 75 gallon tank there are a few cichlids that would work with your current stock. Something like a Yellow Acara would be perfect, mid level dweller, peaceful and it shouldnt clash with the gourami or shark. If you have one Bolivian Ram they would benefit from being in a group as they are gregarious fish, so while it is not essential to have them in a group it is preferable.
Most of your common cichlids could be problematic so it is worth hunting down some of the rarer species to make sure you can accommodate all your fish. For example, I have suggested the Yellow Acara (Aequidens Metae) but the more common Acara, the Blue Acara (Aequidens Pulcher) would be a bit too boisterous and would clash against the other other fish you already have. A Rotkiel Severum could work also, they are a bit smaller than most other severum species and types and are a bit more laid back.
There are other non cichlids that get to a good size that display nice behaviors - things like Hoplo Catfish, Porthole Catfish and Flagtail Catfish all are active through they day get a good size and are responsive to owners.
I also like Headstanders as well, as they do the same, Spotted, Marbled and Lipstick would all work nice in the right sized group.
With the Blood Parrots, they are always impossible to judge how they will behave in a tank - there are many theories as to what they are a combination of but I personally believe you have Severum and Midas in there - Midas are mean central american cichlids and Severums can be equally nasty but are generally more placid. And then unfortunately Parrots do seem to have inbreeding problems related to behavior where they are either very docile or overly aggressive. Personally I dont like them but everyone has their own tastes, so if you do go with them just be prepared for issues, thoguh you may be perfectly fine - like I say its hard to predict.
Wills said:
In a 75 gallon tank there are a few cichlids that would work with your current stock. Something like a Yellow Acara would be perfect, mid level dweller, peaceful and it shouldnt clash with the gourami or shark. If you have one Bolivian Ram they would benefit from being in a group as they are gregarious fish, so while it is not essential to have them in a group it is preferable.
Most of your common cichlids could be problematic so it is worth hunting down some of the rarer species to make sure you can accommodate all your fish. For example, I have suggested the Yellow Acara (Aequidens Metae) but the more common Acara, the Blue Acara (Aequidens Pulcher) would be a bit too boisterous and would clash against the other other fish you already have. A Rotkiel Severum could work also, they are a bit smaller than most other severum species and types and are a bit more laid back.
There are other non cichlids that get to a good size that display nice behaviors - things like Hoplo Catfish, Porthole Catfish and Flagtail Catfish all are active through they day get a good size and are responsive to owners.
I also like Headstanders as well, as they do the same, Spotted, Marbled and Lipstick would all work nice in the right sized group.
With the Blood Parrots, they are always impossible to judge how they will behave in a tank - there are many theories as to what they are a combination of but I personally believe you have Severum and Midas in there - Midas are mean central american cichlids and Severums can be equally nasty but are generally more placid. And then unfortunately Parrots do seem to have inbreeding problems related to behavior where they are either very docile or overly aggressive. Personally I dont like them but everyone has their own tastes, so if you do go with them just be prepared for issues, thoguh you may be perfectly fine - like I say its hard to predict.
Some good info, thanks bud.  I'll look into this and tell you what I think.
ester said:
In a 75 gallon tank there are a few cichlids that would work with your current stock. Something like a Yellow Acara would be perfect, mid level dweller, peaceful and it shouldnt clash with the gourami or shark. If you have one Bolivian Ram they would benefit from being in a group as they are gregarious fish, so while it is not essential to have them in a group it is preferable.
Most of your common cichlids could be problematic so it is worth hunting down some of the rarer species to make sure you can accommodate all your fish. For example, I have suggested the Yellow Acara (Aequidens Metae) but the more common Acara, the Blue Acara (Aequidens Pulcher) would be a bit too boisterous and would clash against the other other fish you already have. A Rotkiel Severum could work also, they are a bit smaller than most other severum species and types and are a bit more laid back.
There are other non cichlids that get to a good size that display nice behaviors - things like Hoplo Catfish, Porthole Catfish and Flagtail Catfish all are active through they day get a good size and are responsive to owners.
I also like Headstanders as well, as they do the same, Spotted, Marbled and Lipstick would all work nice in the right sized group.
With the Blood Parrots, they are always impossible to judge how they will behave in a tank - there are many theories as to what they are a combination of but I personally believe you have Severum and Midas in there - Midas are mean central american cichlids and Severums can be equally nasty but are generally more placid. And then unfortunately Parrots do seem to have inbreeding problems related to behavior where they are either very docile or overly aggressive. Personally I dont like them but everyone has their own tastes, so if you do go with them just be prepared for issues, thoguh you may be perfectly fine - like I say its hard to predict.
Some good info, thanks bud.  I'll look into this and tell you what I think.
Sorry for the double post.  I looked into getting my bolivian ram some friends a long time ago, but my research suggests they are hard to keep a group, but a mating pair is possible.  
Bolivian Rams are a grouping cichlid naturally they are a relative of the Geophagus family which have strong almost herding instincts. I keep Cupids and Geophagus sp.Tapajo Red Heads and have kept quite a few other Geos in the past. They will always do better in groups.
Wills said:
Bolivian Rams are a grouping cichlid naturally they are a relative of the Geophagus family which have strong almost herding instincts. I keep Cupids and Geophagus sp.Tapajo Red Heads and have kept quite a few other Geos in the past. They will always do better in groups.
Everywhere I have looked seems to say they will fight over territory, but are peaceful in a community tank alone (which is my setup).  I'd like to read more on your understanding if you could provide a link.  That would be cool. 

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