Sorry for another stocking thread!
I have a 64 ltr tank which is well cycled now and has at the moment 3 platys, 4 peppered corys and 1 male betta. What else would be good?
I would certainly suggest 2 more peppered cories,as cories like to be in a group of 6 or more. I would then add a large shoal of something small, probably 10 Celestial Pearl Danios or Dwarf Emerald Rasboras. Or possibly male Endlers.
Morning, mate - Peppereds are roughly same size as Bronze, and I have had 6 Bronzes in my 65l quite happily - it's just it restricts what else you can have. I'm currently letting my population dwindle, to replace them with pandas.
I would not put any species larger than Pandas in a 64l, Peppered should reach a chunky ~3" and they need significantly lower temps than a Betta (20C max for most of the year is preferable, their wild forms live in 15C water in their winter).
no, you should return them, get 4/5 panda corys and a nice group of small rasboras or tetras. You could get a very nice size shcool of Ember tetras in there, 30 or so would be fine, they only grow 2cm or so. That would look pretty funky. I have 10 in a 35 litre, probably why i've mentioned them There are quite a few other small fish you can add in large numbers too, for me, thats the way forwrd with small tanks, very small fish and a large number of them. Post up here if there are some you like the look off and we can advise further.