Stocking 220 Gallon Aquarium And Streaming It Live

Canadian Fish

Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2012
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Hi guys, I recently started livestreaming my 220 gallon aquarium.

The aquarium is a tank in progress. It has been up and running for 2 months now. I am currently in the process of adding more plants, and gradually, more fish.

Live Stream 220 Gallon Aquarium

The tank lights are on from just before 9 am to just before 9 pm EST.

It currently houses Black Skirt Tetras, Congo Tetras (3 really large ones) and small Bala Sharks.

So far I have added 4 amazon swords and 4 various crypts. There are also 5 fake plants, which will be removed as I add more plants, and as they grow.
12 hours of lighting will encourage algae growth.
I have seven tanks that get 12 hours of lighting (some more) and none have algae problems. Most don't have any, not even enough to sustain a bristlenose pleco.

The big tank is in the basement and gets no sunlight.

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