Stocking 19L


New Member
Jul 12, 2017
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I have a 19L Interpet Moon Tank. The tank has sand for the substrate , live plants and some bog wood,

I want to put a betta fish in and a few others. (A small Cory and 2 or 3 Tetra. Still have to decide on the type of cory and tetras) Or any other ideas?

I have heard that some betta fish may be territorial so would it be better to put the other fish in first and add the betta later or all at the same time?

At 19 litres (5 US gas) I'm afraid the tank is big enough for only a betta. The tank is too small for tetras and cories, or indeed any other fish.

Both cories and tetras are shoaling fish which need to be in a group of at least 6 of the same species and in a tank bigger than 19 litres. Most tetras, even the tiniest ones, are fast swimming fish that need a longer tank than a 19 litre. The dwarf cory species also do better in groups of at least 10, and there just isn't enough room for that many fish.

However your tank with its wood and live plants would be very suitable for a betta. I have a nerite snail in with my betta, something to think about. I know nerites don't look as good as fish but you can buy some nicely coloured ones.

Have you cycled the tank yet?
I concur completely with essjay. I would add about Betta that this is not a community fish, so regardless of tank size, a male Betta is always better alone (fish wise, snails are not a problem). Some will suggest they have had luck with Betta and other fish, but this is the exception not the norm for the species, and down the road things sometimes change suddenly for the worse, so it is not a wise risk.

I'm glad I asked.
While the tank is cycling I went to two different fish shops and they both said you can add other fish into the tank. They know the tank as they sold it at some point.

What about shrimps would they be OK with plants in the tank?
Or would they just be dinner?

I would go with a Betta and a few assassin snails if you can get them.

What about shrimps would they be OK with plants in the tank?
This will depend on the Betta, baby shrimp will be hunted and if caught eaten, as for the adult shrimp it will depend on the Betta.

Some Bettas are fine with tank mates others are not some wont even tolerate snails, and females can be just as bad as males.

Try keeping a sorority, 6 merciless killers in a confined space now that's fun. Even Malaysian trumpet snails are attacked dragged out of their shell and eaten,
Shrimps as tank mates depends to a large extent on the betta. You might be OK with some bettas but most would eat the shrimp, or at least kill the shrimp and try to eat them. Bettas do vary in temperament, some are so aggressive they even bite the feelers off apple snails. The problem is that you can't know how aggressive a particular betta is until after you put something in the same tank.

One important lesson to learn - never trust anything a shop says till you have researched it for yourself. Too many shop workers don't know or don't care as long as they make a sale.

Edit: NickAu beat me to it!

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