After rehoming the Clown Loach on Friday, I'm left with five White Cloud Mountain Minnows in what is meant to be between 45-50 litres. It'll probably be at around the 45 litre mark in the end, and I'll probably have to add further water in when I remove the castle that the Clown Loach hid in (don't want to be too hasty since there will be beneficial bacteria all over it, I don't want to cause any issues for my tank's biological cycle - perhaps about Wednesday is the right timing, before the bacterial colonies resize too much?). However, everything I read on the internet suggests that 50 litres is the minimum for White Cloud Mountain Minnows, so I'm thinking my tank is still too small for the remaining fish. I'm not going to be upgrading to any larger tank - I have no plans of doing so - so my choices are either to keep the Minnows in what I think is too small a tank (even if it's only by a matter of litres, it's still too small), or rehome them. If I rehome, I'm probably not getting any other fish, so that'll be it for me and fish-keeping for the moment. Keeping them in with the Clown Loach probably stunted them, and continuing to keep them will probably still stunt them and cause problems.
I'll be keeping an eye on their gills and looking out for any problems. I've already fed some pea to deal with what I suspect is constipation (long trail of poo on at least one Minnow). I don't generally blanch peas, I just thaw them out, de-shell one and cut it into very tiny pieces and feed a bit at a time - must they be blanched?
As to the castle... I conducted a Nutrafin nitrite test Friday night and last night, it's still detecting minute amounts; less than before the Clown Loach was rehomed, and this is also comparing it against a test tube of untested (and also tested) tap water, otherwise, it'd probably look virtually clear...but still reading it. I'm under the impression there should not even be the faintest of differences between untested water and tested water (or it means nitrite). Perhaps I haven't left it long enough, or perhaps my filter isn't strong enough to move the water around the tank effectively and that's causing issues?
I also have to figure out my lighting, because I've never used the light itself due to the Clown Loach - now he's gone, I'm concerned about it being too bright. Plants at the top are only a partial solution. Is daylight sufficient? The guy who has rehomed my Clown Loach did remark on some of the plants browning because there wasn't enough light in the living room. The only light I really use is a lamp in the corner of the room when it gets dark outside, it isn't particularly bright and doesn't cast too much on the tank - is that sufficient during the darker hours? It is turned off at night (once that goes off, the whole room is in darkness).
I'll be keeping an eye on their gills and looking out for any problems. I've already fed some pea to deal with what I suspect is constipation (long trail of poo on at least one Minnow). I don't generally blanch peas, I just thaw them out, de-shell one and cut it into very tiny pieces and feed a bit at a time - must they be blanched?
As to the castle... I conducted a Nutrafin nitrite test Friday night and last night, it's still detecting minute amounts; less than before the Clown Loach was rehomed, and this is also comparing it against a test tube of untested (and also tested) tap water, otherwise, it'd probably look virtually clear...but still reading it. I'm under the impression there should not even be the faintest of differences between untested water and tested water (or it means nitrite). Perhaps I haven't left it long enough, or perhaps my filter isn't strong enough to move the water around the tank effectively and that's causing issues?
I also have to figure out my lighting, because I've never used the light itself due to the Clown Loach - now he's gone, I'm concerned about it being too bright. Plants at the top are only a partial solution. Is daylight sufficient? The guy who has rehomed my Clown Loach did remark on some of the plants browning because there wasn't enough light in the living room. The only light I really use is a lamp in the corner of the room when it gets dark outside, it isn't particularly bright and doesn't cast too much on the tank - is that sufficient during the darker hours? It is turned off at night (once that goes off, the whole room is in darkness).