Sterbai Corys With Red Tail Shark?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2013
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I have been researching this but get quite a few different opinions so I wanted to know what you guys think. I have a 55 gallon and will be adding 6-7 sterbai corys, would I be relatively safe to try and add a young red tail shark in the tank. I will be adding a lot of plants and many cave-like hiding spots for both species to hide and have their own corner in the tank.

Other stocking include:
rhomb barbs
sepae tetras
bolivian rams
In my experience red tail sharks become really aggressive when they get larger.  You can however house cory cats with the tetras and rams for sure.
thank you! I was told by many people that if the shark is raised with the cories and has plenty of cave-like hiding spots to make his territory it could work out. The tank is 4 ft long, would that impact the amount of.aggression between the two species?

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