I was thinking of getting some Staurogyne sp. 'Porto Velho for my 125l tank, but doing some research on it it says it is a medium to high light plant, I have my lights on 7 hours a day 3pm till 10pm and have just looked up my bulbs power in the manual and the bulbs are two 20W T8s, and the only ferts I would be dosing for the time being is API root tabs, and then some flourish excel in the near future. So. I am guessing this is low ligh at only 0.33 watts per litre, but might look at some more powerful bulbs next time I am in the store, but would my current set up suffice our is it not powerful enough? As the plants are $9 for just 5 stems and don't want to waste money when they will definitely not survive.
Any advice of experience with this plant will be helpful as really only wanna use amazon species for my tank.
Any advice of experience with this plant will be helpful as really only wanna use amazon species for my tank.