Starting Over


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2013
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Since my tank crashed I have been keeping a close eye on the water, testing it every other day and watching the few survivors from that tragic day.  Since things have been going well and the fish that were left have been doing well I decided to change the décor around and have begun restocking so I thought I would start a thread for my "new" tank.
  • Tank: 125 gallon glass
  • Filter - 1) Sunsun - 500gph external canister      2) Hang on the back Penguin Bio wheel 350  -Media used - Floss and ceramic tubes
  • Heaters -  1) Marineland 400w   2) Ebo Jager 250w
  • 2 powerheads
Décor -
  • 3 large pieces Mopani wood
  • 1 large piece of lace rock, several mid size rocks, several smaller rocks
  • Substrate - mixture of small gravel and sand
  • Selection of live plants - swords, vals, anubia, fern, crypto and wisteria
Lights - Coral life - 4 ea 65watt PC 10k bulbs
Stock that survived
  • 5 X-ray tetras - there are at least 3 fry I noticed in the tank a few days ago - good sign!
  • 1 Rubberlip pleco 2.5"
  • 1 Albino BNP - Female - 5"
  • 3 panda cories
New Stock -
  • 3/17 - Added school of 10 Harlequin Rasbora
  • 3/24 - Added school of 10 Pristella Tetra and 1ea - 3" Male Albino BNP
  • 3/28 - 6 Botia Angelicus.  While at Petsmart getting dog food I stopped to look at the fish and a girl came in and was going to give them to the store. I talked her in to letting me have them instead.
Feeding - Twice a day.  I mix the food up between various flakes, tablets, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubiflex worms, variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
I will take some new pictures and add them soon
i'd go with the external, even though they are more money (depending on brand) they last a life time and you don't need to buy anything to replace for a long time compared to a hang on.
mopani wood is cool, have to soak for a while.. have you seen spider wood? pretty interesting to.
if you are thinking of going into the live plant route look into dirt substrate with a nice dark cap (keeps it looking natural) of and you can't use sand because the circulation etc etc. but i find that plants do very well with dirt. (i'll have a post about my 65 next week (redoing it) if you are interested in seeing the process.
with the fish make sure you add in only 6 every 2 weeks so they if any diseases etc you can treat or have in a bucket for quarantine.
have you seen the blue empire tetra? i think it would look better then the pristella tetra IMO.
why not keep the female BNP and not get the male? i guess the male would be more glamorous?
i think that the feeding will be too much for your fish. i feed mine 3 times a week only once during the feeding. it helps with maintenance/bio-load production and overall health of the aquarium plus you save a lot on food lol.
can't wait for the pics :)
I tend to agree with feeding frequency..

I fed mine once a day, 4-5 days a week..

And I think the cories need more friends.. :(

Anw, can't wait for pictures too!
I will add in more Cories later.  These survived when my tank crashed so I wanted to watch them for a while before I added more, especially since I acquired the Botia's.  But right now the three hang out in a tight group and are very active.  I had 10 before the crash.
I do very small feedings, but I will cut back some.  The largest amount of food would be when I add the fresh fruits and vegetables, I usually leave those in for 1.5 - 2 days as it gets picked at, except for watermelon. The male BNP and 2 of the botia will eat a large wedge in a few hours.  I have a video of the BNP eating some I just need to condense it to post.
Once what I have has established for a couple of weeks I will add the last of the stock I want which will be a few angels.
As for the filters I am using both.  The hang on the back is more for added suface movement, its a 6 ft tank and I wanted plenty of current for the botia so the powerheads are creating flow beneath the surface and the two filters are at opposite ends creating the surface movement.
The plants are all 6 months old and survived the crash.  They all grow like crazy and I am always trimming.  On one end of the tank several stalks of the Wisteria grow and create a canopy with some loose stalks filling in.  I would love to see how your process works BerryAttack.
My Mopani is a year+ old so is plenty saturated.  I have looked for spider wood or similar but it is so expensive and I received what I have for free from someone tearing a tank down.  I actually have several large pieces of lace rock I am not using at the moment I got from him as well
I have not seen the Blue Empire Tetra at any of my LFS.  I really like the red toned bodies with the black fins and brilliant white tips on the Pristella though.  The angels that are being held for me till I am ready are an Electric Blue Marble.  Their bodies have some yellow/Orange hues as well on some.  Absolutely beautiful parents and I cannot wait to see these little ones grow up.
As for a hospital bucket/tank  I have two 10 gallon tanks I keep for just such a purpose
Here are a few pictures of the tank.  I will try to get better pictures of individual fish later, everything I tried so far comes out blurry

Tank is 125 gallon.  6 foot long tank




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