Starting Co2 In My Community Tank. Need Help!


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2013
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I just purchased a CO2 kit for my planted 72 gallon bow front aquarium. 
i have 11 cories, 8 columbian tetra, a BN pleco, 3 snails, bamboo shrimp, amano shrimp, a 2" raphael catfish, and a juvenile pair of pearl gouramis.

My question is: How do I go about introducing CO2 into the tank? I've read that it can drop my PH and I don't want that to happen...
The kit that I have is WATERPLANT CO2 45g cartridge CO2 Supply kit. It includes everything that I need but I think I need to get an indicator? 
I know that I turn it off and on with my aquarium light. 

If this works out I'll start a journal to see the progress!
Here is a video of my aquarium.
Co2 will lower your PH but it won't matter if it drops a bit. You will need a drop checker with 4dkh bromo blue solution to show you when you have enough co2 in your water, it does this by measuring the ph and changes colour. Blue for not enough, green for OK and yellow for too much.

The co2 kit you got is more for nano tanks, it won't last very long before it needs refills and to be honest will be quite expensive to run.
There is a guide on this forum for setting up a larger fire extinguisher/regulator setup which would be far more suited to your size tank

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