Starting Again


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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I currently have a scape set up in my Aqua nano 40. I've been looking at it and the more I look the more unsatisfied I am.

I have an idea for a new scape. I want to plant java moss as a carpet, micro sword amongst it, ludwigia repens on the one side, to look like tall trees, hair grass in the background, and on one side, a small cave of rocks.

Now I am new to all of this. I have no idea what I'm doing. But I would like to use CO2. What is the easiest way of doing this? And the way that is the neatest? I.e. no conspicuous bottles or cables.

I also just need some encouragement. I'm scared of taking apart my scape, but I really do want to change it...

Here it is currently.


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The easiest and least intrusive method is liquid co2, and because its not a huge tank won't cost too much. Easycarbo is 1ml per 50litres per day so 500ml would last 500 days!
I ordered some beautiful driftwood. It arrived today :)


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Thanks! :D

My next step is to buy more sand for the substrate.
I'm not sure what would be best - to drain the tank of water, add the sand, and finish my scape, or to leave the water in and go from there. Hmm... Any thoughts?
My betta boy, and 6-8 Pygmy cories - I don't know what amount is best for the tank I have. Although it is a 55L, that includes the part which houses the filter etc so I think it's more like 45L
Ah ok, I thought so, was trying to remember.

I think it's your change of profile pic confused me.

I just wanted to say that I have read bettas can frequently become caught in java moss.
Oh sorry! :p

I see. Well, I'm going to carpet the bottom with Cuba plant instead.
The driftwood I bought I will attach willow moss to. I'm hoping he won't get caught in that?!
I guess keep it trimmed and all should be good :good:

I nearly put some moss in my nano 40 then read that :)

What tail type are you getting?
Ah lovely, have you uploaded pics? H ha I've probably commented already on them if so :D
I have but when I have a chance I'll put more up :D

Tonight I took out the plants from the current scape and put them into containers of water.
I added the rest of the sand I bought into the tank. Using a rock, I'm going to scape in a slope for my driftwood to sit on.
The rock will go under the sand to help give it a shape but won't be visible.
Should get my plant to carpet with soon, then I can get started on that.
Here's a photo of him :)


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Ooh, what a handsome boy!!!

He is glowing to love his new home :good:

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