Starting A Fry Tank?


Jan 2, 2012
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Alright so Im thinking of starting a tank for all my fry, But I was wondering, what fish (of the ones I have) can I put in the tank with them?

Thinking a 10g tank.

In my 30g I have:
4 swordtail (adult)
2 swordtail (6wks)
6 Platys
3 corys
2 plec (not sure which kind since they both look different)
1 Syno
31 platy fry (in box)
Well, do you mean what adult fish? I've got adult fish in mine to keep it healthy while I don't have any fry, but plan on taking them out when eggs are laid so they don't eat the eggs.
Well, do you mean what adult fish? I've got adult fish in mine to keep it healthy while I don't have any fry, but plan on taking them out when eggs are laid so they don't eat the eggs.
I'm talking about which adult fish are least likely to eat the babies. I only have livebearer fry right now, no eggs. And I have 3 more platys left to drop in the next couple weeks
The cories and the plecs will be safe with fry; I wouldn't put any sort of plec in a 10g though, tbh.
I was thinking the Cory's. So that's good. The plecs are only an inch big currently, but I agree that they shouldn't be moved to smaller quarters
It might be a good idea for you to post some pics of your plecs so we can ID them for you; probably better to know now if they're going to be two-footers so you can plan ahead :/
When I get home from work in 7 hours, ill try and get some.
Good luck; they're terrible fish to try and get a pic of!
Mine like the back of the tank by the filter and the bottom front corners.... hopefully they'll be at the front for better pics

Should have got pics when they were still in the bag

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