Spotted Headstanders


Feb 21, 2012
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Livestock: spotted headstanders
Quantity for sale: 5
Reason for Sale: want more cories
Delivery or Collection: collection , can deliver if not to far or meet up in middle
Sales price: FREE
Postage & Packaging: WILL NOT POST
Location: (Also please put this in the Topic Descripton line of the thread title) Harlow , Essex , not far from stanstead airport
Photograph can not get a clear picture

They are great fish to add to a collection and something slightly different because of swimming postion , also great if you have algea on ornimantes or wood as snack all day , eat normal food all in great health ,had them roughly a year and great in a community tank never a problem with any of my other fish , can be a bit nippy with each other .They are just under 2inches long and fully grown.

Hi they are really great fish and even thoe they can be a bit nippy with each other it is just pecking order and they dont damage each other , normal it is like a swirl dance while eyeing each other up .
Hi Cathy are they ok for a community tank with guppys ect.
Thanks Stacey
Hi Stacey yes they are , I have 6 guppys , 5 blackwidows , 3 keyholes , 12 cories , 4 kului and brn and all get on great , they can get a bit lively at feeding time but then still no bother also great if you have any algea on orniments or bogwood as graze on that all day also eat normal food such as flakes , algea wafers , live or frozen food and cucmber , they are mainly bottom feeders but will swim all around the tank, hope this helps
cathy :good:
Hi Stacey yes they are , I have 6 guppys , 5 blackwidows , 3 keyholes , 12 cories , 4 kului and brn and all get on great , they can get a bit lively at feeding time but then still no bother also great if you have any algea on orniments or bogwood as graze on that all day also eat normal food such as flakes , algea wafers , live or frozen food and cucmber , they are mainly bottom feeders but will swim all around the tank, hope this helps
cathy :good:

Thanks Cathy could i take them then please i have some guppy fry to trade if your intrested and can pick them up tommorow any time after 6 if good for you.
Hi stacey after 6 tomorrow is great here is my mob num 07554018035 to swap details , I live roughly 10 miles from stanstead airport , Harlow Essex cheers for offer of guppy frys but have enough guppys for now , fish are for free , look forward to seeing you tomorrow also you will be able to see my tank is nice and healthy and see how well they all get on
cathy will give you full address via text :good:
Many thanks Cathy for the headstanders they are settling in well. :good:

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