Hey there,
Apologies for the lateness in my reply. Not a huge fan of Convicts although I wouldn't shy away if it turned out they're an adequate option for my tank.
My LFS has plenty of Severums, Tanganyikan cichlids (Lamprologus Birchardi I believe), Keyholes, African butterflies (Thomasi cichlids?), Rams, Kribs, Firemouths, Malawis and Angelfish. Love the Keyhole cichlids, they're really nice and the Butterflies are also looking good.
I believe Malawis and Angelfish are at risk of getting a little on the larger side of things for my tank and although the Firemouths won't grow too large (?), I understand they need lots of space. I really like the blue Rams that my LFS has in, alongside the Kribs, Butterflies and Keyholes. Not sure whether the Tangs I mentioned are the shell dwelling variety or not though? I asked and they said they could definitely get hold of a lot of different Apisto varieties. I just need to let them know what I want and they'll try and source it for me (I have a good rap with my local store. I help them out A LOT).
My area is a high pH, hard water area. The pH of the water that comes straight out the cold tap is always 7.5 - 8.0 - I've noticed that this depends on the time of year. I want to get everything correct for these guys and not make the same mistakes that I have in the past. So, following that I went to my water supplier and got a typical analysis for my area. It reads as follows;
Hardness: Hard
Hardness Clark / French / German: 18.0 / 26.0 / 15.0
Aluminium: 5.88 μgAl/l
Chlorine: 0.28 mg/l
Coliform bacteria: 0.00
Colour: 1.57 mg/l
Conductivity: 547.14 μS/cm at 20°C
E.coli bacteria: 0.00
Fluoride: 0.08 mgF/l
Iron: 10.0 μgFe/l
Odour: None, acceptable to customers.
Pesticides: 0.00 mg/l
pH (at source): 7.36
Sodium: 13.25
Taste: Flavoured slightly with Iron, metallic, acceptable to customers.
Plumbing metals:
Copper: 0.03 mgCu/l
Lead: 0.60 μgPb/l
Nickel: 0.90 μgNi/l
Any suggestions or anything I need to keep an eye on when setting up this tank based on the info here?
Many, many thanks.