Something Stuck In Fish's Mouth!

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New Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Hi all, new to the forum, hoping for some advice.

I've got a sunset wag who has had something stuck in his mouth for the last two days. I'd like to say what it is but I have no idea. It's like a long thin strand of fibre (perhaps from an artificial plant?) and about 1.5cm is sticking out of his mouth. It was longer yesterday but I'm assuming whatever it is is now going through his digestive system.

I dare not try to pull it out and suppose I'll have to wait for it to pass through him but he hasn't eaten since its been there and he's just hovering around at the back of the tank...

Any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance.

How many gallons is the tank please?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the strand in the mouth look like a strand of white cotton?
Link to columnaris.
It's a 36L tank. I have 2 wags, 2 tricolour swordtails and 3 snakeskin guppy's. I can't give the water stats but I've been to my local aquarium to get it tested and was told its in good shape (as I'm sure you can tell I am new to this).

It does look like a strand of cotton, and its pointing upwards rather than hanging from his mouth.

Thanks for the prompt response.
The best advice I can offer is to invest in some liquid test kits of your own.

If in the UK you need to use myxazin by waterlife, as it sounds like the fish has columnaris.

Good Luck.

Link to medication.

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