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The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Feb 19, 2013
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Hey guys I'm still new in the fish tank hobby and I did
A pretty big mistake I went to the store I saw a fish I loved
I didn't know what it was never seen it before the next day
I had 12 neon tetras gone and 2 albino tetras did some research
And found out that I bought a green terror. I know I'm an idiot
I have a couple more tetras an angel a bala shark and a spotted angel cat fish
Would they be ok
Okay, First thing, Don't panic. You're stock is off the scale.
Let's start with this, Size of tank? Type of filter, Do you treat your water? When do you do water changes?'s a big fish, they get around 8 inches. They are aggressive, even more so when adults. They will eat pretty much any fish they can fit into their mouth and are best kept in a large tank with fish that are about their size and level of aggression, such as other aggressive cichlids.
In many cases it's better to take a fish back to the store if the environment isn't rigth for it. The answers to Techen's questions will help determine that.
Ok I have a 52 gallon tank I have an external eheim canister filter and I do water changes every two weeks

I cannot take the fish back I live in Germany and over here they don't take them back
50 gallons is an okay size for one.
I've not kept them with angels or bala so I am just guessing that they would be okay with the bala. With angels it kind of depends on what species as some are more aggressive than others. I would guess the terror would nip at the angel. The problem with the green terror is that there is no part of the tank that it doesn't go into, they swim at all levels so they mess with bottom dwellers too.
Ok here's the next question cause ofcourse me been the idiot I am I bought the male and the female so I have a pair
In the tank and I also have some Bolivian rams
LOL! Okay...give us the full run down of your stock.

52 gallons with a canister and what's in it? Let's have the whole list.
Ok I have 5 red eyes tetras 1 black angel fish 1 bala shark 3 Bolivian rams 1 spotted cat fish 1 puffer fish 1 big pleco 5 other small tetras and the 2 green terror and I have it pretty well planted
I believe the best case scenario will include rehoming some fish.  If you can't take fish back to the LFS, then you need to find them new homes, either in tanks of friends, or in a new tank that you buy to deal with this.  
This sounds like a case of buying a wolf pup and putting it into the pen with the sheep.  You are going to need separate pens for them, as they just won't get along, no matter what you try to do.  It just isn't in their nature to coexist.
For now, I think the best case would be to get a tank divider and keep the terror separated from the rest of the fish.  Certainly this would be a short term solution, but it beats the terror continuing to kill the other fish.
The real wolf is the puffer who will eventually need to be in brackish water. I agree with eagle, find some homes for them or buy a couple more tanks. More tanks can be fun as well.
I certainly understand the temptation to buy a fish just because you love it and what's done is done. The question now is what to do about it?
What resources do you have to re-home the fish, get a new tank, or even a large plastic tub you could keep them in until such time as you could get them to a new home?
If worst comes to worst I got friends I can give them to, but right now things are pretty calm in the tank but yea they destroyed the neon
I suggest you take some time to explore this forum and search for info on the various fish you have that way you can decide who has to go now and just what to do with them etc. Get in touch with those friends and see if they are willing etc. Let us know how it goes for you and the fish!

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