Some Questiona About Some Fish

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2014
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Hi guys ;) sorry for i make só much questions but i need know a little more about This hobbie.

Só anyone can tell me a good fish for stay in bottom of the tank other in midle and other in top?

Tank with 54L

Thanks for all

And one more time sorry for bother you all
maybe cory's for bottom? Its really what you like? 
Have a look  in your lps and if there's anything you like take note and come back on this forum and some of the guys/girls here will help you with stock quantities, fish's needs and requirements.
I already was there and i ser guppies , bettA, and one fish stay all time in bottom its like a cat fish but albino
you have around a 15 gallon tank.
you should have really done a fishless cycle.. but w.e your call.
what i would do, after your tank is done cycling.
up the number of neons to 6+ that are a schooling fish.
you can get peppered cories for the bottom.. they like sand the best and need small non sharp substrate.
and a show fish can be a beta.
then in a few months you can bump your tetras to 10-12 which will give a very nice shoal.... leave the cories at 6 and a moon beta (my favourite) will complete it... also if you choose to do a heavily planted tank you can throw in some cherry shrimp.. or have a colony of shrimp around 10-20 and not have cories.. then combining with a rock shrimp.
for fish for the top you can get cloud tetra.. they are very nice and stay near the top.. remember to have schooling fish always in groups of 6 and try not to over stock your tank.. or bump up the weekly water changes.
Thought Eagles had recommended panda cories for you in your other thread? Do you not like them? That's alright if you don't, I'm just curious.
Personally I wouldn't put peppered cories in anything less than a 20g long but it's your tank.
Can you get a picture of the catfish at your LFS? It sounds like it may be an albino cory. They're cute :) For a centerpiece fish that stays more at the top you could do a honey gourami.
Yes its a albino cory. Its possíbel i have bettA with guppy?

In my tal i have like 4 fake plants 2 rocks and rock/sand. Water pumb and one filter.

If its no problem have the albino cory with that layout it will be perfect.

And about panda cory i like but my LFS dont have :(

I hope next week my tank finish cycling.
Hmmm other thing . And food? The woman in my LFS give one and she said its for all fish.

Its ok?
Do you have a heater? If not you need to get one.
Guppies should not be mixed with bettas as one or the other usually gets hurt. It can work depending on their personality but just not worth the risk IMO.
Cories need to be kept in groups of 6+ of the same type.
You may want to ask your LFS if they can order in pandas for you, I'm not sure what yours is like but usually they are okay with doing that.
What food did the woman give you? It's good to give fish a varied diet.
Yes i have heater i think more some days and my tank is finish with cycling.

I understand cory need group but for exemple the cory fish who stay in bottom like albino cory need a group to??

Yes it needs a group, preferably 6 or more :)
Other question i have the water pump and the filter in the same side of the tank is that ok or is better i put the filter in one side and the pump in other?
The food is tetra pro color say its for tropical fish
How many neon tetras do you have?
What substrate do you have?
Does your LFS only sell guppies, albino corys and bettas, or other fish too?
What do you mean by a water pump? Are you referring to a power head?
It should be fine being at both ends of the tank, you will need to monitor how your fish react though, as it may cause too much current.
Pygmy corys would be better suited to your tank, they stay at the mid-bottom level of the tank.
BTW, don't worry, you can never ask too many questions :)
Nope they sell alot of other fish but i prefer This i think they are more beautiful.

Water pump is the pump o make booblea oxygen pump.
I have 9 neon tetras.

Substrate? What is that? :)

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