Some Oddballs Some Not.. Need Help Please

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
May 21, 2012
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Hi Everyone
I've only been keeping fish for almost a year now and still have so much to learn. I always wanted fish but parents always said no and first husband didnt want to be bothered..said they were a pain in the butt. Well my new fella was cocked and ready when I mentioned it and I have 3 small tanks up and running smoothly for almost 11 months. We just bought a 125gal and a 90 gal. My questions are 1, How long and what's the best way to cycle the 125 gal. and 2 how long is it going to be sufficient for my fish? They are as follows: 2 Bala Sharks 3&4.5 in., 4 clown loaches 1.5-2.5 in., 2 silver dollars 2in., 2 Dinosaur Bichirs 4in., 2 Black ghost knives 5.5 &1.5 in., 1 dragon goby 8in., 1 african leaf fish 4.5 in., 2 dojo loaches 4 & 5 in., 2 pictus catfish 3in., 1 elephant nose 3 in., 1 pleco 3 in., 1 peacock eel 6 in., and 1 black shark 1.5 in. I adore these fish. Although when I first started getting them the lovely person that sold most of them to me said that their size would be determined by the space I kept them in. Well needless to say after much research and a little observation..I've come to realize that most of my babies will be of considerable size.
This will get you started on the cycle...

Now, are all those fish going to be in the 125?
I can see so many potential problems with that group of fish...

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