Some New Pics


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
These are a couple of pics I took today. First time attempting a rock scape.

Looks good.
I like it too, is this a different tank to your signature?
Wow that looks great! 
Shelster said:
I like it too, is this a different tank to your signature?
Yes it's my 10gl shrimp tank. The sig pic is of my 29gl community tank. I am too afraid of touching anything in there to change it.
ech0o said:
watch this video man, make a tree with your stump!!!!!!!!
Thanks for that ech0o, I will be trying that at some point. I have wondered how they did that.
Thanks for all the nice comments.
You guys are the only people I know who actually take an interest in this hobby! The people on this forum I mean. Every time I mention that I have a shrimp tank to my friends and family they ask me if I am raising them for food!
NomNomNom, yummy angelfish food you're raising there!

Nice looking tank, had any/many baby shrimp yet?
I have 50+ so far and 3 batches on the way! Once the population gets too big for a 10gl tank I am going to transfer some to my big tank.
I like the way its scape'd a lot, nice fish and shrimps too, can only get better when the rocks green up with algae and moss.
edit... Not a criticism but a tip, rockwork looks more natural if you stick to just one type.

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