So Excited :-)


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
It's the little things hey?
Hubby has ok'd me to get a tank of decent proportion in the kitchen. Well the size that will fit into the space I have available is a 2x 1x 1 foot aquarium. This will hold 54 litres. I appreciate this is no huge tank but my main tank is a 180 litre.
Quick question, I have shoals in my larger of neons, and other similar sized fishes (have them noted on my profile) hence no angel in that tank, howev is this new tank going to be too small for an angel? I don't want to take fish ut of my larger tank and put in smaller as that's not fair as they used to the space (yeah I'm weird like that) plus I have honey Gouramis too in larger tank.
If its too small for an angel, how about a pearl gourami? Honest answers please, I just wanted to try some different tropical fish to what I already have whose compatability don't mix.
Thanks in advance, plus havent started cycling tank leave alone collected yet, so this is all pipeline thinking :)
Realistically I think the tank is too small for either of them - have you considered Dwarf Gourami? They are a beautiful looking fish and shoul be fine in a 2 foot tank

I've just edited the bit about Honeys as just read that you already have some.
Depending on your water (ie if you have soft water with a low PH) then it's worth considering Dwarf Cichlids such as Agassiz's or Macmasters. You are unlikely to be able to keep more than one male given the size of the tank but our could keep one make with a few females and they are stunning fish.
Thanks for the replies, that's fine about the angels then, I'll just have to wait for restocking on my larger tank - which hopefully won't be for a long time!
Dwarf cichlids I have never really thought of before, but do have optimum Ph for them. I use RO water which I buffer to bring the ph up.
I will have a read up and research and come back to you with questions I'm sure :) first being, do they need to be in a species specific tank?
Dwarf Gouramis I have possibly unfairly been put off of due to the disease/ sickness they can sometimes unusually come down with :/ I do agree they are lovely looking fish.

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