Snakeskin Guppy Death


Fish Addict
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
North London UK
Today one of my snakeskin died and i saw him this morning near my hatchery with his tail taken off and his mouth open. Anyone wonder how he died, his stomach looked little bigger then my other guppy. :rip: :fish:
Have you tested the water? Is this one of the guppies that you cycled with?
Water paremeters are fine no nitite and ammonia readings and yes it was one of the fish i cycled the tank so that may of shorten its life span or what i was thinking that it was a adult lenth when i bought him so he might died of old age. i did a water change after i flushed him away
Yes, it could be any one of a number of different reasons why it died :(

Btw, in future, please don't flush fish down the toilet. It's not likely, but there is a small possibility that you could accidentally introduce a foreign disease into the rivers. Best put it in the bin, well wrapped up, or bury it.
Sorry i didnt think outside the box on flushing him away and now i have to tell my fry which looks like they have his DNA that daddy is gone :(

Was wondering, did he have a internal parasite problem as hes stomach looked abit bigger
It's hard to tell; fish bloat up pretty quickly once they're dead (sorry for being gruesome!), but it's unlikely.
Sorry for my mistake but about a week before hes stomach looked big and i think he mostly stayed at the top of the tank. i may also get some fish to replace those that are gone and my female guppy looks alittle weird, it was really active in my fish bowl when i was treating her with finrot and swimbladder and today i put her in the tank and she doent look very active

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