Snails, Shrimp, Or Algae Eating Fish?


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2016
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I have a few new tanks and I'm wondering what would be the best to keep in my tanks. All my tanks contain Bettas. 
Well before we answer that can you tell us about these tanks?
How many gallons?
Planted ( live plants )?
Water, Is it hard soft?
Some bettas are great with tank mates while others are not, I have a female who killed a Mystery snail and will not tolerate tank mates, And I have a male who thinks hes a Kuhli loach because he spends so much time with them. 
Killed a mystery snail?  That's quite some feat for a betta, she must have had a proper strop on!
NickAu said:
Well before we answer that can you tell us about these tanks?
How many gallons?
Planted ( live plants )?
Water, Is it hard soft?
Some bettas are great with tank mates while others are not, I have a female who killed a Mystery snail and will not tolerate tank mates, And I have a male who thinks hes a Kuhli loach because he spends so much time with them. 
I have a 2.5 gallon, 3.5 gallon, and a 10 gallon. All have heaters and filters. Plants are fake but I want to add some live ones. Water is pretty hard.
most Bettas I have owned have killed my snail(Large and small) also 4 out of the 5 people working at my pet store here in Florida complained about their Apple snails , Gold Inca etc. all being eaten but one has quite a few in with hers and brings them in for us to give away!  And they are in with a Betta male . I guess it the luck of the draw . Maybe try an inexpensive one. there are quite a few shrimp that eat algae if the was also you. They need some plant life to hide in though and My Betta ate my ghost shrimp going to try Cherry because they are bigger next

oh forgot nothing that has a flashy tail..the bettas think they are other fighting fish and will kill them . So no guppies males
oh forgot nothing that has a flashy tail..the bettas think they are other fighting fish and will kill them . So no guppies males
Thats is a myth, A betta is fine with tank mates or its not, If a betta attacks Guppies it will attack other fish as well.
My Betta was fine with Cherries.  I moved them all out just in case as he decided to start having a pop at the cories.  He'd not shown any interest in them for 8 or 9 months then just decided he didn't want anything sharing his space.
If you keep anything with a Betta always keep a close eye as their behaviour can change, even if they've previously seemed fine.
My Betta was fine with Cherries.
So is one of my males.
This is also the guy who thinks he is a Kuhli Loach.
My Crowntail male spends his days hunting them. Luckily I put shrimp in my Betta tanks for food.
I'm now wondering if I should have bred RCS instead of having a crystal red tank next to my Betta tank.
As we know, it depends on the Betta.  I'm sure mine would hunt them down now since his behaviour changed.  He's a greedy little swine though, I'd be concerned he'd over eat if I kept them in the tank with him!
Most long finned Bettas have no chance of catching a healthy shrimp in a 2 foot planted tank, You see how many shrimp I have? My theory is if they can catch them, they can eat as many as he like, and if my Bettas are happily hunting shrimp they are exercising and that means they are healthy,  The only drawback is all the swimming around can make their fins look a bit tatty sometimes, But hey thats Betta keeping.
I originally started keeping shrimp simply as fish food,  Even the shrimp in my shrimp cube where I keep the best looking shrimp are food when a better looking one comes along.
Mine's in a smaller tank, 25litres and there's not a ton of hiding place for shrimp.  I suspect he'd utterly gorge himself lol.
I do however have a tank which would be ideal for RCS breeding.  Two feet long with Celestial Pearl Danios and Peppered Cories for company.   I can see a herd load of shrimp being added shortly....
Oh that should work well, The adult shrimp wont feel threatened and will spend most of the time in the open. 
I might have to get a few more plants in there but yeah, I think they'll love it.  I need to keep quiet that some of the shrimp will be food otherwise I'll never be allowed lol
They love moss and Subwassertang.
I've got a couple of moss balls in there.  Anubius nanus, amazon standard plants lol :D
I'll have a look into getting some more dense low level plants.  Little caves and tubes etc.

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