Snails? Should I Shouldn't I?


New Member
Dec 29, 2013
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I have a relatively new set up with guppies, neons and a pleco. A few live plants, plastic plants and a couple of ornaments. I was thinking of getting some malsian snails but unsure weather this is a good idea as I don't want to be over run with snails.
Anyone got any advise on this?
What size is your tank? Is it cycled? What are the stocking numbers?
Snails produce waste, so I dont want you to have to go through a cycle.
Also, what are your readings for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?
I have a special place in my heart for plecos. Lol. What kind do you have? Commons get very big!
Hi and welcome!
Sounds good but as what the others have already asked, might be good to know the tank size and whether it is cycled and if you already have any stocking in there.
For example you have a large 4 foot tank and keep loaches in there then snails will be eaten by the loaches.
Or maybe you have a small 30 gal with dwarf puffers, again snails will be eaten by the puffers.
Also the fact that common plecos do grow very large so this is why we're asking what size of tank as we are concerned that you might be unaware of that and if your tank size is suitable. Thats all.
Malaysian Trumpet Snails are cool and helps to aerate fine gravel or sand substrate but do be wanted that they breed very prolifically if plenty of food.  
Here is a bit of information if you're interested

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