Snails appeared!!

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May 24, 2004
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I have had my tank for nearly 1 yr and today I noticed a small snail stuck on the front glass. Where did this come from. I have made no new introductions to the tank for ages??????
I am very excited about this but confused?
Also is it a good thing to have?
dawson1973 said:
I have had my tank for nearly 1 yr and today I noticed a small snail stuck on the front glass. Where did this come from. I have made no new introductions to the tank for ages??????
I am very excited about this but confused?
Also is it a good thing to have?
should i put this in invertabrates section?
It could of hatched a ride with some plants... or maybe a plant carried the eggs.

put any plants in of late?
Get some live plants in there? That is usually where they come from. I love my snails, i have 3 types! Snails are scavengers, they'll eat algae, dead plant leaves, uneaten food. Some people don't like snails, and some people say they eat plants. Mine clean my plants off, but never actually eat them unless they have nothing else to eat. Give them an algae tablet, problem solved! :D Of course, i have low light plants that have tough leaves. Maybe they can't resist more delicate foliage.
I dont have any live plants though

Wait bit i did buy some wood pieces about 2 mths ago but gave em a good clean
theyre pretty tough and can hide in the weirdest places. its probably from the wood. i have had snails that are considered pests,mysteries,and apple snails and i never SEE them eat algea or dead leaves. im not sure if they do but im indifferent on them

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