Snail Mucus

Mark Z.

Fish Crazy
Jul 9, 2010
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I have a question about snail mucus.
I have a 2" apple snail in my 55-gallon sand-bottom aquarium. He has been there for many months with no problems.
Today, I found him sort of stuck in the sand. Behind him was a bunch of gooey clumped up sand. His foot was also covered with sand. 
I took him out and put him in another aquarium with gravel and the sand came off and he went on his way.
Do snails have trouble navigating sand? Does anyone know the reason for the gooey clumps? I have never noticed this before.
Maybe hes just lonely? Like he wants to mate with a female and now hes.... you know.... 
My mystery snails hated tahiti moon sand, They wouldn't go near it stayed on the glass or plants, I do not know if it was because the sand want mature so to speak.

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