Snail diet?


New Member
Apr 1, 2017
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I'm planning on getting a zebra nerite snail, and was doing research about what they eat. Most sources recommended algae wafers but I learned that those aren't good to have around bettas. I was wondering what other alternatives there were that both my betta and snail could eat? Or if it's better to feed the snails separately with the wafers?
You could feed the snail vegetables, like cucumber, zucchini, carrot, broccoli, deshelled peas. A slice of vegetable can be kept in the tank for about 24 hours before it needs to be taken out. If you really want to, you could make snail jello (there are loads of recipes on the internet), but I'm not sure if a particularly hungry betta would ignore that or not. If you do make it, best to make it strictly vegetarian to avoid any temptation. :p
Many people don't actuallly feed their snails. many people have enoug biofilm on thequarium walls and supstrate to satisfy the snails need. Additionally any uneaten fish food will also be available to them.
I am one of those that don't feed snails, and I have a zebra nerite and one of those orange-red ones with black markings that I bought in July 2011 and other nerites that I bought in December 2013 and December 2014.

Having said that, my main tank does grow a fair bit of algae......
You could feed the snail vegetables, like cucumber, zucchini, carrot, broccoli, deshelled peas. A slice of vegetable can be kept in the tank for about 24 hours before it needs to be taken out. If you really want to, you could make snail jello (there are loads of recipes on the internet), but I'm not sure if a particularly hungry betta would ignore that or not. If you do make it, best to make it strictly vegetarian to avoid any temptation. :p
Oh okay thanks!

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