
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Mar 6, 2004
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I think my smaragdina have spawned so took one pair out last night and give them there own tank i cant see, :sad: as the nest is hidden in plant but can see it from the top of the tank hopefully will find out today.............. :rofl: :rofl:
grr...i hate not being able to get in on the action and see whats goin on -_- o well, i hope it all works for you, good luck :thumbs:
still cant see if the first pair spawned but female is just as normal and male is at the nest cant see him he hid it well from view ........ :D but the other are spawning as i type this in another tank had anest this morning and they are spawning now so i know these have eggs............. :whistle: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Congrats, bettaman :thumbs:
I'm looking forward to spawning mine in the coming week.
There are babies in the first hard to see but got the magnifying glass and watched what i could see of it and there is movement...... :D

Have also been watching the may fly mating around the pond the male picking the female up and flying around then taking them back to the water and she dips her abdomen in the water with him holding her for her to lay eggs so cool......

Hope you get some babies :) If your selling later, I *might* be tempted to get some :D I'm sure another tank will fit somewhere :whistle:

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