Small schooling fish to go with GBRs in 30 gallon long

There are also Tanichthys albonubes or micagemma or linni that are very easy to maintain and more healthy than Cardinal tetras.
Well, only male guppies (reticulata or endler) is ok.
Adding females exposes your tank to Guppy over-fertility, over population and over pollution.
There are also Tanichthys albonubes or micagemma or linni that are very easy to maintain and more healthy than Cardinal tetras.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't think they'll tolerate the warmer water
Was all going so well until you mentioned guppies.
LOL Well, I'm not 100% committed to them. I'm just looking for all suggestions that will live well with a pair of GBRs and the associated water parameters.
Guppies and rams are unlikely to both thrive as they have much different requirements. All the other fish you mentioned prefer softer water , except for guppies.
Guppies and rams are unlikely to both thrive as they have much different requirements. All the other fish you mentioned prefer softer water , except for guppies.
Guppy, like many viviparouss, prefers a basic and hard water but without forgetting that we should never aim at extremes in terms of parameters.
My whiteclouds go outside in the summer. The temperature probably gets as low as 10 at night, but I wouldn't try to keep them above 24.
A friend of mine who lives in an area with very pronounced seasons has been keeping Tanichthys in his garden pond for years. There are between 250 and 300 Tanichthys as well as a dozen Goldfishes 'comet'. It freezes every winter and minimum 30°C in the shade in summer! That said, the pond is 150 cm deep which makes the winter less difficult to bear.
X-ray (pristella) tetras hang in a pretty tight school. I think they stay relatively small. They definitely aren’t the most colorful, but they do have cool markings on their fins

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