Small Has Dissapeared!


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2013
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So I have a pair of Julidochromis marlieri (M&F) and last night about an hour after I did my weekly water change Small (that's the male) had disappeared, didn't think much of it as they are always hiding up.
I turned the tank light off for a few hours while we watched a movie, after the movie finished I put the lights back on and he was still missing

Big (the female) seems to be acting oddly and is "skulking" around one end of the tank (near my big Jati log and her cave)
I read somewhere that both the M & F can hide up when eggs have been laid and can disappear for days at a time, could this be what's happening? If it is I don't really want to go rooting though my tank looking for Small incase I disturb their eggs.
All the other fish are acting normally,no others are missing and Small was definitely in the tank after the water change,I don't have any fish that would have attacked him.

Typically after I just posted that my daughter was jumping around in front of the tank pointing and when I looked in Big & Small were swimming around like nothing had happened LOL I've been worried all night!
Glad everything is back to normal. I had a similar situation with my puppy yesterday in that she managed to get into the place I keep my water test equipment and 2 of the 5 ml test-vials were missing. I searched high and low and couldn't find them - panicked and thought she must have swallowed them, but couldn't imagine how. Found them ½hr later - they had rolled under a cabinet! Phew!!

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