Small Catfish Reccomendations


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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Hello everyone, today i picked up 5 galaxy rasboras so im running out of space but still dont have a bottom feeder. I had to cross out cories and dwarf loaches since i dont have enough space for schools. So whats a good community bottom feeder/catfish that gets no bigger that 3.5inches that can be the only of its species in the tank. My tanks a 29g btw, and pH is 7.4-7.6 and everything else is good in the tank. I looked at an oil catfish but couldnt find any places that sell them. Any fish less than 20$ would be good and if you can link the website that sell them. Thanks everyone.
Why do you need a bottom feeder?

Is it for algae control or activity at the lower levels.

If its for algae control what about a small group of 3 otos? Each grow 1-1.5 inches

If its for activity what about a single Bolivian ram or apistogramma? Not bottom feeders in the common sense of the word but will stick to the bottom third of the tank and my Bolivian is super active.

Other than that your looking at plecs - you'll struggle to get one which stays < 3.5 inches and there nocturnal so you get very little activity from them.
Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I know you said that you dont have enough space for a school, but i have two cories and they seem to be doing great. Also, if you need something for algae control i would suggest a rubberlip pleco they only get to 4 inches.
hope you find something
FishyFriend101 said:
I know you said that you dont have enough space for a school, but i have two cories and they seem to be doing great. Also, if you need something for algae control i would suggest a rubberlip pleco they only get to 4 inches.
hope you find something
Corys need groups to be truly happy, if you got 4 more you'd see a difference in behaviour.
Paradise<3 said:
Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I dont really want an algae eater like a pleco or otocinclus but its more of a scavenger to eat the leftovers my fish dont eat. Also its to balance my tank out. I have my top water gourami, alot of mid dwellers, but no bottom feeders.
The algae eater i had in mind was an algae eating shrimp but im not too sure on how im going to get them.

leighton_87 said:
Why do you need a bottom feeder?

Is it for algae control or activity at the lower levels.

If its for algae control what about a small group of 3 otos? Each grow 1-1.5 inches

If its for activity what about a single Bolivian ram or apistogramma? Not bottom feeders in the common sense of the word but will stick to the bottom third of the tank and my Bolivian is super active.

Other than that your looking at plecs - you'll struggle to get one which stays < 3.5 inches and there nocturnal so you get very little activity from them.
I forgot to say the fish i have. Two of my fish are actually bolivian rams, then i have a gourami, neon tetras, glowlight tetras, and galaxy rasboras. The reason i dont want a pleco is cause of the waste they produce and like you said, theres not many that get smaller than 3.5''. I want like a little catfish, not corydoras because i dont have the space for schools. So something in the synodontis family thats small, non-aggressive, and relatively cheap (of course shippings going to be what im paying for). To me it doesnt really matter if i see the fish during the day, as long as it cleans up the bottom a little im fine with it.
NorthEastFisherman said:
Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I dont really want an algae eater like a pleco or otocinclus but its more of a scavenger to eat the leftovers my fish dont eat. Also its to balance my tank out. I have my top water gourami, alot of mid dwellers, but no bottom feeders.
The algae eater i had in mind was an algae eating shrimp but im not too sure on how im going to get them.
How about Shadow Catfish(Hyalobagrus Flavus) if you can find them? They are rare to find but are about £1.50 each and only get to 2" long. They need a group(I plan to get more when I can find them) but take so little space up that you could easily have a group of 6+ in your tank. Or there's the Pygmy Syno I mentioned
There's loads out there. Take a look at Planet Catfish :)
Paradise<3 said:

Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I dont really want an algae eater like a pleco or otocinclus but its more of a scavenger to eat the leftovers my fish dont eat. Also its to balance my tank out. I have my top water gourami, alot of mid dwellers, but no bottom feeders.
The algae eater i had in mind was an algae eating shrimp but im not too sure on how im going to get them.
How about Shadow Catfish(Hyalobagrus Flavus) if you can find them? They are rare to find but are about £1.50 each and only get to 2" long. They need a group(I plan to get more when I can find them) but take so little space up that you could easily have a group of 6+ in your tank. Or there's the Pygmy Syno I mentioned
There's loads out there. Take a look at Planet Catfish

I like the shadow catfish, they look neat! My tank has 1 gold gourami, 1 rainbow shark, 5 neon tetra, 5 glowlight tetra, 5 galaxy rasboras, 1 von rio flame tetra, and 2 bolivian rams, and its a 29g. How many you think i should get?
Paradise<3 said:
Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I dont really want an algae eater like a pleco or otocinclus but its more of a scavenger to eat the leftovers my fish dont eat. Also its to balance my tank out. I have my top water gourami, alot of mid dwellers, but no bottom feeders.
The algae eater i had in mind was an algae eating shrimp but im not too sure on how im going to get them.
How about Shadow Catfish(Hyalobagrus Flavus) if you can find them? They are rare to find but are about £1.50 each and only get to 2" long. They need a group(I plan to get more when I can find them) but take so little space up that you could easily have a group of 6+ in your tank. Or there's the Pygmy Syno I mentioned :) There's loads out there. Take a look at Planet Catfish :)

Paradise - if your after shadow catfish and willing to travel a bit MA in south Leeds have some (or at least did last weekend)

Would only be 45 minutes or so but probably worth giving them a ring if you want some
NorthEastFisherman said:


Why do you want them would be a good start. I can suggest a lot of small catfish, from pleco's - bagrids. Just need to know what sort of thing you're looking for. Algae control? Candy Striped Pleco(Peckoltia Vittata). Active but not a pleco? Pygmy Synodontis(Microsynodontis Christyi). If you can give me some more details I can suggest somehting lol.
I dont really want an algae eater like a pleco or otocinclus but its more of a scavenger to eat the leftovers my fish dont eat. Also its to balance my tank out. I have my top water gourami, alot of mid dwellers, but no bottom feeders.
The algae eater i had in mind was an algae eating shrimp but im not too sure on how im going to get them.
How about Shadow Catfish(Hyalobagrus Flavus) if you can find them? They are rare to find but are about £1.50 each and only get to 2" long. They need a group(I plan to get more when I can find them) but take so little space up that you could easily have a group of 6+ in your tank. Or there's the Pygmy Syno I mentioned
There's loads out there. Take a look at Planet Catfish

I like the shadow catfish, they look neat! My tank has 1 gold gourami, 1 rainbow shark, 5 neon tetra, 5 glowlight tetra, 5 galaxy rasboras, 1 von rio flame tetra, and 2 bolivian rams, and its a 29g. How many you think i should get?

Hmm, now you mention the Rainbow Shark I wouldn't recommend any more bottom dwellers as they get territorial with things that look anywhere near similar to them :/
@leighton_87: Thanks :) Will give them a ring next week(no credit and not at home this weekend) to check :)
i would say a hoplo catfish, i am not sure how big they get they are about 7quid
Most hoplo species get to about 15cms/6", so a bit big for the OP.
Bumblebee catfish are really nice little bottomfeeding catfish that are friendly and don't need but one to be happy.  Although I tend to agree with Paradise--the rainbow shark will become aggressive about the bottom of the tank.  That particular fish is going to outgrow your tank and needs something along the line of a 55 gallon or so.  

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