Skipping Cycle With A Sponge?


Mar 23, 2013
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Hey guys, this is kind of a dumb question..but my cousin is restarting his 3 gallon tank, and he asked me for some mature media. I have sponge filters a canister and 2 HOBS. I planned on giving some of the media to him from the 30 but a buddy from the lfs is starting a 55 and asked for some media, so I already gave him as much media as I felt comfortable giving away at one time. I have two HOBS, one on the 10 and one on the 20. Could I take these off and give them to him? Or do they just catch debris and not bacteria? Thanks if you bothered to answer this :)
Your media from your HOBs should be able to handle whatever your cousin is putting in the 3 gallon tank.  Just make sure you don't put your own tank in jeopardy by donating too much mature filter media!
Sounds like a small tank though.  Do you know what he's planning on stocking in such a small tank?
Oh, I meant the sponge as in a pre filter sponge, like the ones you put on the intake of a HOB, he's planning on doing shrimp, I talked him out of a betta lol.

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