Hi need some help here, basically I've just gone to feed my fish tonight and noticed one of my Zebra Loaches was particularly skinny, of the 4 I've got this one has always been smaller than the rest but I just assumed that was the way it was. Anyway the last week or so I've not noticed it eating as much and like I said when I fed them this evening I noticed it was even skinnier than usual and I could see two white spots either side just behind it's gills which I read that it's the bones coming through from where it's so skinny. This one's been more lethargic than the others and when I went away it had just rested itself on top of the heater not interested in any of the food and just prior to this was finding it momentarily difficult to keep it's balance.
I fear it's already too far gone but whether it makes it through the night or not I'm going to my LFS tomorrow to pick up some meds. I would appreciate some advice on what to do now and what meds to get tomorrow that you'd typically find in most shops. Also is it contagious? Some sites say no others say yes? I'll also get a chance either tonight or tomorrow to test my water to make sure all is well there.
Thanks in advance.
I fear it's already too far gone but whether it makes it through the night or not I'm going to my LFS tomorrow to pick up some meds. I would appreciate some advice on what to do now and what meds to get tomorrow that you'd typically find in most shops. Also is it contagious? Some sites say no others say yes? I'll also get a chance either tonight or tomorrow to test my water to make sure all is well there.
Thanks in advance.